

2019年4月29日,星期一 - 上午8:20


联盟数据扩大了与Roadrunner食品银行新墨西哥州通过巨大的数据投资将彻底改变食品银行运营和为客户服务的方式。新墨西哥州人口中几乎有16%的粮食不安全。Roadrunner为全州的所有33个新墨西哥县提供服务(大多数居住在农村地区的人),使其越来越难以向有需要的人分配食物。Roadrunner升级其内部技术专注于管理库存,志愿者及其客户之后,确定有必要转向使用数据和技术来管理其外部利益相关者长期可持续性。金博宝怎么注册Over the next four years, Alliance Data’s investment will enable Roadrunner to redesign and overhaul their website, update their partner agency portal, and create client data tracking software to better serve those in need, creating New Mexico’s most extensive dataset about people seeking charitable food assistance. These initiatives will enhance the well-being of the hungry people Roadrunner serves, improve stakeholder engagement through effective internal and external communications, and recognize Roadrunner as the statewide leader in ending hunger – both now and in the future.