Booz Allen的Sandra Marshall:在创造力和技术的交汇处工作

Booz Allen的Sandra Marshall:在创造力和技术的交汇处工作

桑德拉·马歇尔(Sandra Marshall)担任布兹·艾伦(Booz Allen)沉浸式团队的领导者

桑德拉·马歇尔(Sandra Marshall)担任布兹·艾伦(Booz Allen)沉浸式团队的领导者

2020年11月12日,星期四 - 上午8:00

活动:People Profiles



Sandra Marshall began her career in the music industry playing in (as she puts it), “lots of bands” and running a recording studio. A decade later, she now works with Booz Allen on projects for the Defense Health Agency, National Institutes of Health, Department of Transportation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Department of Labor. While this seems like a drastic shift, it’s not as unlikely of a career path as one might think.


Currently focusing on emerging capabilities, the move into immersive technology – including augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) – was a natural one. This transition allowed Marshall to combine her creative and technical skills to bring non-linear storytelling experiences to life through technology. She now works on building Booz Allen’s immersive business and driving the development of new capability offerings like human performance and digital twins.

“I got hooked on VR because, as a creative, I realized that this tech was groundbreaking,” Marshall said. “VR and AR allow people to immerse themselves in a simulated environment in a way no other technology can. Combine that with today’s sensor technology and holistic approach to medicine and training and you can simulate any scenario, train for anything with no risk while eliciting authentic reactions you can measure with accuracy. From a therapeutic perspective, you can take people away from the reality of everyday work. It provides the power to create new worlds – anything you want – and have people believe they are real.”


Marshall and others agree that now is the time to invest in immersive training to deliver instruction when people cannot access facilities or equipment. Immersive training offers total engagement by allowing trainees to experience events in a simulated environment, leading to fast initial comprehension and strong long-term retention – two elements that are crucial to addressing educational and training challenges in a rapidly changing, digital world.


  • 您是关于难以复制的任务的培训:像客户体验或移情培训一样,您可以轻松地使用沉浸式技术重复复杂的大规模场景。
  • 当您必须培训大量人或为许多用户群体提供量身定制的经验时:通过沉浸式培训,您可以在任何数量的员工中重复使用多种不同情况的培训课程,而不会增加成本。
  • 您需要协助收集多个数据点:沉浸式培训可以收集硬度和软指标。
  • 培训快速发展或需要更新:由于沉浸式培训方案是基于软件的,因此您可以比现场演讲培训等选项更容易更新它们。

在最近的文章中HR Dive马歇尔(Marshall)杂志分享道:“好消息是您可以开始小。如果您认为身临其境的培训适合您的组织,那么您就不必从一开始就进行巨额投资。您可以从试点计划开始,该计划使您可以测试技术并确定其价值,然后在组织准备就绪时使用这些见解来告知更大的身临其境的培训策略。”


随着Covid-19带来了我们世界上许多方面的在线上,桑迪和她的团队一直在努力工作,这对社会的“新正常”意味着什么。通过分析当今正在开发哪些技术来改善组织如何实际运营和培训,Marshall一直在与VR和AR一起工作,将沉浸式模拟与以数据为中心的运动员管理系统相结合,以优化医疗保健的身体和心理性能workers, military soldiers, and even athletes through the firm’s人类绩效能力


Marshall and her team at Booz Allen are particularly interested in technology’s potential to make a positive and, in some cases, lifesaving difference. Currently, her team is working with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on a虚拟实验室推进技术在培训和模拟中的使用。他们最近还提供了一种称为急诊医学VR的解决方案,以帮助国防客户在紧急情况下更好地训练并进行分类。

“Working in the immersive and human performance space, I have witnessed firsthand the direct impact this innovative technology can have for our clients. Working in government consulting has provided me the opportunity to take part in important missions with wide-reaching impact and life-changing implications for both federal employees and our nation’s citizens,” Marshall said.

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类别: 创新与技术