Ecocentricity Blog: Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Ecocentricity Blog: Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

By: John A. Lanier


What we rarely hear about is how coffee comes with an environmental cost. Now, your mind may immediately go to the billions of single-use coffee cups discarded each year, and that is definitely a problem. But specifically, I want to talk about the carbon footprint of drinking coffee itself.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021 - 9:30am

CAMPAIGN:Ecocentricity Blog


I turned 10 years old in 1996. That was a good year. Growing up in the suburbs of Atlanta meant that I was lucky to experience a local Olympics. That was also the year that Tiger Woods became a professional golfer. The Nintendo 64 launched that year, and any of my friends who got one immediately moved up a rank or two in my book.勇敢的心殴打阿波罗13for the best picture Oscar. And it was also the year in whichStarbucks opened its 1,000th store




After meeting my now-wife though, I gave coffee another try and got hooked. As is the case with many of you, coffee is a part of our morning routine at home. For me, it is always black, and for Chantel it is always mixed with stevia and a creamer of some sort. Our morning coffee serves both a practical and spiritual purpose - it wakes us up, while also offering a ritual that centers us in something positive as the day begins. I’ve even become a coffee snob over the years, developing a preference forsingle origincoffees with the自然处理方法


Late last year,a study was releasedon the carbon footprint of conventional coffee production compared to more sustainably produced and transported coffee. The study showed that one kilogram (kg) of conventional green coffee (meaning before it is roasted) produces 15.33 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). For sustainably produced coffee, which uses fewer agrochemical inputs and is transported via cargo ship rather than airfreight, only 3.51 kg of CO2e are produced. That is a 77% reduction.

To give you a sense of how coffee shakes out against other agricultural products, here is我最喜欢的图形之一。It shows coffee has roughly 17 kg of CO2e per kg of coffee (roughly consistent with the conventional coffee number in the study I linked). That places it at 6th on the list of most carbon-intensive agricultural products.

That’s the best data I can give you. Now what do I think we should do about it? I’m not asking you to stop drinking coffee - that would be about the most hypocritical thing I could say. Rather, here are some suggestions. If you have a local coffee shop that sources sustainably produced coffee, please support them (that doesn’t mean Starbucks is to be avoided at all costs - they are far from perfect, but they are at least注意碳问题)。如果您喜欢拿铁或使用某种奶精,请尝试避免牛奶并选择植物性牛奶(我们最喜欢的是燕麦牛奶)。而且,尽可能地尝试在家中喝杯咖啡 - 这有助于减少从开车到商店的碳排放量,并限制使用这些一次性杯子。

And for all of you other coffee addicts out there - cheers! Here’s to a lower carbon cup of joe.

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