Tuesday, January 21, 2020 - 10:00am
旧金山,2020年1月21日/3BL媒体/- 纪录片制作人Tree Media,他将诸如“第11小时”和“ Ice on Fire”之类的故事片带给了全世界的观众,他与The Worly合作制作了一部新的短片仿生学院被称为“仿生的承诺”。这部20分钟的电影将于1月23日(星期四)在美国东部时间下午12点 /下午3点举行的现场直播全球观看派对上首映bioMimicry.org/the-promise-of-
The film documents how young entrepreneurs are utilizing biomimicry to solve human sustainability challenges. Janine Benyus, co-founder of the Institute and author of the acclaimed book仿生:受自然启发的创新, walks viewers through the emerging discipline and highlights how a new generation of innovators can look to the natural world for design and engineering “blueprints.”
了解研究所如何通过通过自然启发的教育创建开放访问平台询问, the curated online library featuring thousands of nature’s strategies and hundreds of bio-inspired applications to practice biomimicry; the仿生全球设计挑战通过指导实践提供教育;这Biomimicry Launchpad用他们需要使用自然风格的解决方案组成公司的工具来加油初创公司;和Ray of Hope Prize®, where a young company is given a $100,000 investment to commercialize their biomimetic product or service.
“这部电影涉及来自世界各地的团队成员的生活,他们试图解决的问题以及生物学如何使他们走上了截然不同的创新途径。该研究所执行董事贝丝·拉特纳(Beth Rattner)表示:“我们面前的问题的规模 - 从足够的食物到地球上其他870万种物种保护栖息地。”“但是,知道我们可以从中学到的基于自然的功能,这是有很大的慰藉。我们的免费开放访问计划使每个人都有机会有所作为。”
A dozen startup companies are featured in the film, working on bringing their biomimetic innovation to market. From a mosquito-control device called UPOD that is inspired by the bladderwort plant to an eco-friendly approach to sewage treatment that mimics a cow’s digestive system by EcoSTP, these teams are looking to biological strategies to create sustainable solutions for a myriad of challenges humans face.
Nucleário, the 2018-19 winner of the Ray of Hope Prize, also introduces its product that enables large-scale ecological restoration of forests. Inspired by bromeliads (think of the tops of pineapples), Nucleário accumulates rainwater, creates a physical barrier against leaf-cutting ants, and reduces the use of herbicides and pesticides. Additional companies featured include Phalanx Insulation, Watchtower Robotics, Aruga Technologies, NexLoop, among several others.
要看到动作中的仿生物并进一步了解这种新的生活方式,请在1月23日星期四12p pt / 3p ET加入我们,参加短片的现场观看聚会:生物仿生的希望bioMimicry.org/the-promise-of-仿生/ 。
This film was sponsored by Wyncote Foundation and supported by the Ray C. Anderson Foundation. To see the first film about biomimicry directed by Tree Media’s Leila Conners, which was made possible by Leonardo DiCaprio and Executive Producer Oliver Stanton, visithttps://www.treemedia.com/biomimicry 。
About the Biomimicry Institute
瓦莱丽·贝内特(Valerie Bennett)