



洛杉矶市大会与旅游业发展部执行董事Doane Liu;Brad Gessner, Senior Vice President of AEG Facilities and General Manager of the LACC and Mayor Eric Garcetti celebrate Los Angeles’ No. 1 status as most solar powered city in the United States at the solar array installation on the roof of the Los Angeles Convention Center on April 4, 2018.





洛杉矶,2018年4月6日 / 3BL Media / - 由AEG设施管理的洛杉矶会议中心(LACC),最近在4月4日与市长埃里克·加塞蒂(Eric Garcetti)的新闻发布会上公布了其2.21兆瓦太阳能电池阵列。Located on the roof of South Hall, the solar addition brings the convention center’s total solar to 2.58 megawatts, making it the largest solar array on a municipally owned convention center in the United States and propelling the City of Los Angeles to No. 1 for the most installed solar power of any U.S. city.

市长埃里克·加塞蒂(Eric Garcetti)说:“我们很荣幸带领美国城市参加该运动,以实现巴黎气候协议的目标。”“我们在太阳能上进行的每笔投资都是对当今安吉伦诺斯的健康和福祉的投资,并在未来几年内进行。”

The new array is projected to generate 3.4 million kilowatt hours per year which equates to 17 percent of the LACC’s annual energy usage (equal to enough electricity to power 565 homes in Los Angeles) and will reduce the LACC’s carbon footprint by 2,554 metric tons per year (equal to removing 2,794,396 pounds of coal from being burned and/or planting 66,192 trees).

洛杉矶市会议和旅游发展委员会主席乔恩·韦恩(Jon Vein)说:“我很自豪地庆祝会议中心太阳能项目的完成。”“该项目为其他设施设定了一个先例,这是使洛杉矶成为美国第一太阳能城市的关键。”

该项目有助于市长加塞蒂市长的任务。可持续城市计划” AEG 1年AEG的可持续发展计划AEG 1金博宝怎么注册 AERTH,旨在减少公司的环境影响。


洛杉矶会议中心(LACC)在国际上享誉国际,作为公约,贸易展览和展览的主要地点。LACC由洛杉矶市拥有,由AEG设施专业管理,每年吸引超过250万游客。该设施是南加州地区不可或缺的经济组成部分,通过与会者的直接和间接支出和维持12,500多个当地工作岗位,从而产生经济利益。LACC仍然是环境可持续性和社会责任的持久象征,并为成为LEED®Gold认证设施而感到自豪。金博宝怎么注册该场地在2015年的黄金水平上进行了重新认证,使LACC成为美国大小的第一个会议中心,以接收LEED®EB:O+M Gold Recertification。有关更多信息,请访问lacclink.com


AEG是Anschutz公司的全资子公司,是世界领先的体育和现场娱乐公司。AEGFacilities, a stand-alone division of AEG, and its affiliates owns, operates or consults with more than 150 of the industry’s preeminent venues worldwide, across five continents, providing complete venue management, as well as specialized programs in operations, guest services, ticketing, booking, sales and marketing. AEG Facilities also provides resources and access to other AEG-affiliated entities, including AEG Live, one of the largest live music companies in the world, AEG Global Partnerships and AEG Real Estate, as well as such industry leading programs as AEG 1EARTH and AEG Encore to support the success of its venues across the globe. The Los Angeles-based organization owns, operates or provides services to the world’s most elite venues, including STAPLES Center and Microsoft Theater (Los Angeles, CA), StubHub Center (Carson, CA), Sprint Center (Kansas City, MO.), Valley View Casino Center (San Diego, CA), KFC Yum! Center (Louisville, KY.), American Airlines Arena (Miami, Fla.), Prudential Center (Newark, N.J.), Barclays Arena (Brooklyn, N.Y.), Target Center (Minneapolis, MN), Oracle Arena and O.co Coliseum (Oakland, CA), CONSOL Energy Center (Pittsburgh, PA), Mercedes-Benz Arena (Shanghai, China), MasterCard Center (Beijing, China), The O2 Arena (London, England), Mercedes-Benz Arena (Berlin, Germany), Barclaycard Arena (Hamburg, Germany), AccorHotels Arena (Paris, France), SSE Hydro (Glasgow, UK), Qudos Bank Arena (Sydney, Australia), Perth Arena (Perth, Australia), Ericsson Globe Arena (Stockholm, Sweden), Los Angeles Convention Center (Los Angeles, Calif.), Hawaii Convention Center (Honolulu, HI), Puerto Rico Convention Center (PRCC), Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre (Brisbane, Australia), International Convention Centre (Sydney, Australia) and the Oman Convention and Exhibition Center (Muscat, Oman). For more information, please visitaegworldwide.com

类别: 环境