Booz Allen承销的新研究详细介绍了AI如何改变圣地亚哥的劳动力和经济
Booz Allen承销的新研究详细介绍了AI如何改变圣地亚哥的劳动力和经济
Self-driving vehicles and smart assistants like Siri and Alexa make artificial intelligence (AI) a feature of daily life. Behind the scenes, AI is having a significant impact on America’s cities, their economies and workforces.
例如,在圣地亚哥,根据圣地亚哥地区经济发展公司发布的一项新研究,Booz Allen承销的一项新研究显示,AI参与度高于平均水平的工业和333亿美元的年度总区域产品。一项令人信服的收获 - 对该研究进行调查的圣地亚哥公司中有95%同意“ AI将改变我的行业”。此外,另外89%的人同意“ AI对于我的业务未来至关重要。”
“衡量未来:AI和圣地亚哥的经济” is the first in a series of reports detailing key industries and clusters where AI and machine learning (ML) have been implemented in San Diego, and the findings quantify AI’s impact on the regional economy.
- 四分之一的本地公司已经从事AI活动
- 对于54%的受访者,人工智能正在增加对业务的更多工人的需求
- 63%的人说,使用人工智能已在其公司中创造了新的工作机会
- 62% of AI developers expect to see the number of employees specifically engaged in AI-related work grow over the next 12 months—despite current economic conditions
Booz Allen的负责人乔·罗纳(Joe Rohner)说,这些发现强调了将“人类保持在循环中”的重要性。188bet上不了实际上,该研究参考了MIT Sloan Management Review和Boston Consulting Group的研究,发现AI投资回报率是将技术与劳动力纳入该技术的公司中最大的,而不是将其用作工人的替代品。
罗纳说:“本报告的最大收获之一是,当地受访者表示,AI确实通过创造更多的就业机会而不是消除这些工作来真正帮助圣地亚哥经济。”“人们对于人工智能的道德应用至关重要,这项技术将赋予组织权力,重要的是 - 他们的劳动力以提高生产力,质量和效率。”
Amid the rise of remote work, San Diego’s AI workforce is well positioned to meet key areas of demand outside of the region as well. According to the report, more than eight in 10 AI developers in San Diego specialize in ML or deep learning technologies, which are fundamental building blocks for predictive AI—a key skill sought by companies in major markets, like New York City, Chicago, and Philadelphia, among others.
The average salary in AI/ML-concentrated industries is $127,960, more than 70% above San Diego’s average worker salary. But a worker doesn’t need to have an advanced degree or years of specialized experience to benefit from San Diego’s AI growth.
罗纳说:“我们认为圣地亚哥公司可以在全球范围内领导这一能力 - 吸引人才,推动经济增长并助长我们地区的当地就业机会。”
阅读完整报告并了解有关Booz Allen的圣地亚哥办公室和firm’s work in Artificial Intelligence。