

Automaker Donates a Total of $10 Million to Four National Charity Partners Through the 2018 Event

Will Shafroth(左),Matt Bershadker,Richard Davis,Ellie Hollander和Tom Doll Broad 2018 Subaru与美国Subaru的仪式共享爱情活动。

理查德·戴维斯(Richard Davis)(左),艾莉·霍兰德(Ellie Hollander),汤姆·娃娃(Tom Doll),马特·贝尔沙德(Matt Bershadker),威尔·夏弗斯(Will Shafroth)结束了2018年斯巴鲁(Subaru)与美国斯巴鲁(Subaru)的仪式共享爱情活动。一个令人惊讶的公告显示,向四个国家慈善合作伙伴中的每一个额外捐款。

Friday, April 5, 2019 - 8:00am



新泽西州卡姆登市,2019年4月5日 / 3BL媒体 / - 4月3日,星期三,,,,美国斯巴鲁Inc. celebrated the completion of the 2018斯巴鲁分享爱Event在汽车制造商新卡姆登总部为其四个国家慈善合作伙伴举行了仪式。该活动由总裁兼首席执行官Thomas J. Doll主持。美国四个国家慈善合作伙伴的首席执行官,美国预防虐待动物®(ASPCA®),Make-a-Wish®,America of Wheels America和National Park Foundation的餐点,Doll and Subaru员工向每位慈善机构展示了每个慈善机构their respective donation check, which as a result of Subaru customer’s selections, combined to a total of more than $10 million this year. The 2018 Subaru Share the Love Event raised a total of2750万美元用于国家和地方慈善机构。在过去的11年中,通过分享爱情活动,美国的斯巴鲁及其零售商已向国家慈善机构捐赠了超过1.457亿美元,超过1,170个故乡慈善机构。

“We support causes that our customers care about, and for the past few years, we have selected the ASPCA, Make-A-Wish, Meals on Wheels and the National Park Foundation as our national charity partners for the Subaru Share the Love Event,” said Tom Doll, President and CEO, Subaru of America, Inc. “These organizations generate a positive impact in our communities nationwide, which is why we believe it is critical to raise money to fund their mission. We could not be more grateful to each of these organizations for all the work they do to make people’s and animal’s lives better each day.”

The check donation ceremony featured speeches by Matt Bershadker, President & CEO of the ASPCA; Richard Davis, President & CEO of Make-A-Wish America; Ellie Hollander, President & CEO of Meals on Wheels America; and Will Shafroth, President & CEO of the National Park Foundation. To bring the ceremony to an end, Doll made a surprise announcement revealing an additional donation of an all-new vehicle to each of the four national charity partners from Subaru of America. The donation, which embodies the automaker’s spirit of supporting good causes and local communities, will help drive engagement from current and new donors by serving as a creative incentive for sweepstakes and contests. The automaker will donate the vehicles this Fall.


ASPCA®是150多年来的领先声音,为有需要的动物提供了挽救生命的保护和护理。无论是挽救动物免于虐待和忽视,引入和执行更多人道的立法,还是在全国范围内支持动物收容所,ASPCA都可以帮助动物过上更好的生活。Through the ASPCA, the Subaru Share the Love event has had a significant impact on the rescue, transport, and adoption of more than 50,000 animals across the country.


研究表明,何时允许被诊断出患有重病的孩子有一个真正的愿望,这为他们带来了继续战斗的力量和精力。他们的家人和整个社区聚集在一起。只有一个愿望的影响,有能力改变参与每个人的生活。Through Make-A-Wish, the Subaru Share the Love event has granted the wishes of more than 1,800 kids with life-threatening medical conditions.

Meals on Wheels America®

Meals on Wheels America provides leadership to local, community-based programs dedicated to fighting hunger and isolation among our nation’s homebound seniors.Through Meals on Wheels America, the Subaru Share the Love event has helped deliver nearly two million meals to America’s seniors.

National Park Foundation


美国斯巴鲁,,,,Inc.(SOA) is a wholly owned subsidiary of斯巴鲁公司of Japan. Headquartered at a zero-landfill office in Camden, N.J., the company markets and distributes Subaru vehicles, parts and accessories through a network of more than 630 retailers across the United States. All Subaru products are manufactured in zero-landfill production plants andSubaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc.是美国唯一由国家野生动植物联合会指定为后院野生动植物栖息地的美国汽车生产工厂。SOA由Subaru Love Promise,,,,which is the company’s vision to show love and respect to everyone, and to support its communities and customers nationwide. Over the past 20 years, SOA has donated more than $120 million to causes the Subaru family cares about, and its employees have logged more than 40,000 volunteer hours. As a company, Subaru believes it is important to do its part in making a positive impact in the world because it is the right thing to do.

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黛安·安东(Diane Anton)
+1 (856) 488-5093
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