
2017年6月22日,美国东部时间3:20 PM
活动: CECP问


Recent changes in Federal environmental policies, including the Administration’s plan to withdraw the United States from the 2016 Paris Agreement, resulted in international debate about the impact this move will have on global efforts to halt climate change, with many experts doubting the efficacy of the pact without US participation. However, in the days after the announcement, several companies publicly reaffirmed their commitment to current climate strategies,证明商业社区是并且将继续是动荡时期稳定的来源。188bet网址怎么打不开

CECP, a CEO-led coalition that believes that a company’s social strategy—how it engages with key stakeholders including employees, communities, and customers—determines company success, regularly polls its affiliated companies to get a pulse on current issues companies and their communities are grappling with. For more information and current insights on how companies are developing solutions for the world’s most pressing problems, please contact Jackie Albano,jalbano@cecp.co,646-863-1926。