韦恩·维瑟(Wayne Visser)的第13部分责任年龄3BL媒体的博客系列。
玛格丽特·米德(Margaret Mead)曾经说过:“唯一喜欢变化的人就是一个湿婴儿”,亨特·洛文斯(Hunter Lovins)添加了“``整个过程''。金博宝怎么注册在考虑这一点时,我发现理查德·贝克哈德(Richard Beckhard)和戴维·格莱希尔(David Gleicher)的变革公式相当有用:D x v x f>R。这意味着要进行有意义的组织变革必须存在三个因素。这些因素是:
d =不满意现在的情况;
V =想象可能的和
f =第一的,可以朝着愿景采取的具体步骤。
我认为,大多数情况下,我们可能对世界状况或公司的行动感到不满,这确实不够广泛地分享。乔纳森·波里特(Jonathon Porritt),作者资本主义好像世界很重要, after many years in the sustainability game (he started the UK’s Green Party and chaired the government’s Sustainable Development Commission among other things), told me: ‘Looking at people all over the world today, rich and poor world, they are not remotely close to a state of mind that would call for anything revolutionary. There’s no vast upheaval of people across the world saying, “This system is completely and utterly flawed and must be overturned and we must move towards a different system.” There isn’t even that, let alone an identification of what the other system would look like.’
Likewise, on creating a compelling vision, Porritt concludes that ‘we have not collectively articulated what this better world looks like – the areas in which it would offer such fantastic improvements in terms of people’s quality of life, the opportunities they would have, a chance to live in totally different ways to the way we live now. We haven’t done that. Collectively we’ve not made the alternative to this paradigm, this paradigm in progress, work emotionally and physically, in terms of economic excitement. We’ve just not done it.’ Taking first steps is something companies are generally much better at, especially picking the so-called ‘low hanging fruit’. But the reason these steps so often don’t get beyond the pilot or peripheral stage is because the other two factors – dissatisfaction and vision – are not strong enough.
以结构化的方式思考变革的另一种方法是彼得·森格(Peter Senge)的学习组织概念,他的书中普及了第五学科。他描述了五个相互关联的学科,如下所示:‘系统思考[第五学科]需要建立共同的愿景,心理模型和个人掌握的学科来实现其潜力。建立共同的愿景促进了长期的承诺。心理模型的重点是在目前看到世界的方式中发现缺点所需的开放性。团队学习发展了人群的技能,以寻找超出个人观点的更大局面。个人的精通促进了个人的动力,以不断学习我们的行为如何影响我们的世界。”
In seeking to create change for sustainability, Senge and his colleagues once again emphasise the interconnected nature of all change processes, and the critical role of business: ‘There has never before been a time when the social, ecological and economic conditions that challenge political leaders in any one part of the world have been so interwoven with what is occurring in so many other places. This phenomenon has arisen through the ever-growing web of interconnectedness spun by institutions, especially multinational corporations. Collectively, these organisations determine what technologies are created and how they are applied around the world: which markets develop and which are largely ignored. These institutions determine who benefits from the world economy and who does not.’
鉴于互连性,改变的关键是,森(Senge)是合作。为了说明他在2010 MIT可持续发展峰会上的观点,Senge问了一金博宝怎么注册个问题:摆脱一次性杯子需要什么?谁将必须共同努力以消除一次性杯子?建议的答案包括从星巴克及其竞争对手到纸制造商,食品服务提供商,回收商和市政府的所有人。在真正艰难的可持续性问题上取得真正的进展是“合作的巨大事业”。金博宝怎么注册此外,需要合作的当事方通常不自然地倾向于。
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韦恩·维瑟(Wayne Visser)博士是智囊团的创始人兼主任金博宝手机版网页企业社会责任国际和咨询业万花筒期货有限公司。他是13本书的作者,包括责任时代:C金博宝手机版网页SR 2.0和新的业务DNA(2011),世界企业社会责任指南金博宝手机版网页(2010年)和企业社会责任的A至Z(2010)。他是180多个出版物(章节,文章等)的作者,在过去20年中,在50多个国家 /地区发表了170多次专业演讲。此外,韦恩(Wayne)是剑桥大学可持续发展领导力计划的高级助理,牛津玛格娜·卡塔学院(Magna Carta College)的可持续发展访问教授和英国沃里克商学院的金博宝怎么注册企业社会责任教授。金博宝手机版网页