





2022年6月24日,在檀香山的主教博物馆,La Records制作了与瓦胡岛的Mana UP和Whole Foods Market商店合作的全球基金会的首届福利和展示,协作为夏威夷和波利尼西亚的企业家提供机会。

The private event was attended by over 200 invited guests and featured emcee Brook Lee, former Miss Universe, honored Andy Allo, star of Amazon’s Upload show and Greg Louganis, four-time Olympic gold medalist and whose birth father is of Samoan origin, for their decade of support of Whole Planet Foundation events. Hālau Mele offered a special blessing at the start of the celebration and in the Hawaiian Hall of the Bishop Museum. The event showcased artists and performances by Kulāiwi and Justin Kawika Young and welcomed celebrity guests including Amy Hill and Dustin Nguyen, among others.

Guests learned more about local vendors and entrepreneurs through a marketplace featuring more than 20 Mana Up companies including Tag Aloha Co., Vitalitea Hawai‘i, Kapa Nui Nails, ‘Ulu Mana, Big Island Coffee Roasters and Utara Organics, plus a bar with specialty cocktails handcrafted by Kō Hana Rum and Pono Potions. The event highlighted other local brands including Bubbies Ice Cream, CocoJava Hawaii, Hawaiian Host, Maui Brewing Co., Mauna Loa, Waiākea Hawaiian Volcanic Water, Manoa Honey, Shaka Tea and more.

特别要感谢发起纸莎草纸上的纸质问候,领先的赞助商Mauna Loa,Bubbies Ice Cream,Health-Ade,Aloha和贡献的赞助商Alo Drink,Klean Kanteen,Natreve,Mad Hippie和Thaiwala,他们的产品在活动中亮相and have donated to support Whole Planet Foundation’s poverty alleviation programs. Whole Foods Market stores in Oahu also hosted a pre-event reception on June 23 with partners and donated a beautiful variety of local foods and floral arrangements for the events. Other event supporters include Burt’s Bees, Natural Vitality, Renew Life, Country Archer, ITO EN, Kala Brand Music Co., Lifeway Kefir, PACT, The Republic of Tea, Seaweed Bath Co., Sennheiser, Tag Aloha Co. and WishGarden Herbs. ALOHA generously provided branded gift bags for the event.

该活动从赞助和小额信贷收益中筹集了超过5,100美元的款项,或者通常小于200美元的款项,这些贷款通常不到200美元,以贫穷的企业家创建或扩展自己的业务,通常是自制的,有机会为自己和家人创造收入。观看活动视频这里,摄影师雅各布·埃默里(Jacob Emery)。
