3 Questions to Ponder for Your 2030 Strategy

Campaign: Thought Leadership

Edwina McKechnie |BSR
夏洛特·班西尔洪(Charlotte Bancilhon)|BSR

本文最初出现在UPS Longitudes

For years, 2020 was a distant concept, the end point for business goals and timelines. With many sustainability strategies and goals expiring in 2020, it’s now time for companies to think about their sustainability priorities for the next 10 years.

At Sustainable Brands Paris, we discussed the dynamics shaping post-2020 strategies with representatives fromAvery Dennison,,,,evian,,,,毅力伙伴andMastercard


在BSR,我们的观点是,下一阶段的工作需要建立具有可持续性的弹性业务策略。金博宝怎么注册零碎的,孤立的方法和快速获胜的日子已经一去不复返了。现在是时候重置识别轨迹的时候了interwoven reality of business, society and the consumer

"Most big businesses have been working on sustainability with reasonable success for the last 10 to 15 years, but we have been picking the low-hanging fruit,” a BSR member once told us. “The next phase will be much more difficult. It is about what you buy and what you sell; it goes into the heart of your commercial operations and investment decisions."

Lessons Learned



1.我们的世界看起来像什么e in 10 years, and how do we ensure the relevance of our priorities in 2030?



Explore BSR’s research into the key drivers of change affecting sustainable business in theDoing Business在2030年,报告并理论化了四个合理方案对您的业务和消费者的影响。

2. How are consumer needs and wants evolving, and how do brands partner with consumers and others to enable more sustainable lifestyles?



More and more, companies see the value sustainable efforts deliver to their consumers and, conversely, the demand from consumers for goods and services that reflect a contribution to solving major societal challenges.

In the past, sustainability strategies have focused on doing business as usual, with fewer negative impacts. But, as another BSR member company explains, “products, services and technologies are more important than processes and procedures, but we in the sustainable business field are too focused on process. This misses the key strategic link with market-based needs.”

3. Which business approaches can work to drive deeper internal integration and business value to get the entire company on board with a 2030 strategy?

According to theState of Sustainable Business 2018,消费者和客户需求是在声誉之后获得可持续性努力的第二强驱动力。金博宝怎么注册但是,只有34%的公司声明其可持续性团队在营销中有效地工作,29%的研发(R&D)以及28%的产品开发。金博宝怎么注册


我们的伙伴,毅力伙伴,大纲some tangible ways to work with your marketing department例如开发工具包,以使品牌经理能够将通常的抽象可持续性战略转变为消费者主导的品牌策略。金博宝怎么注册

One BSR member explains how they have “baked sustainability attributes into the product development stage-gate process. Innovation teams are part of our sustainability governance. We’ve also partnered with an accelerator to incubate entrepreneurs that will generate ideas that will benefit us."


Concrete tools and methodologies exist that can help companies build sustainability strategies that create business and stakeholder value during the next decade.

Sustainability teams will need to develop new competencies to be fully empowered to drive the design of meaningful 2030 sustainability strategies and goals such as the ability to identify value creation opportunities, drive internal change and identify future factors.

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