
  • “总冠军”(由整体废物回收的百分比):加州立大学圣马科斯分校(79.69%)-圣马科斯,CA

  • “人均经典”(由总磅的人均可回收的垃圾收集):斯克内克塔迪联合大学(55.69磅)——纽约

  • “废物最少化”(由最低人均废物回收和垃圾的总量):北湖大学(3.07磅)-欧文,TX

“RecycleMania的一个独特的方面是,每个人都是竞争对手,”提到比尔•鲁迪回收杨百翰大学协调员和RecycleMania指导委员会的主席。“没有人坐在场边。当一个学生回收他们增加分数,如果他们把东西扔掉它损害了学校的排名。在游戏中与整个校园,竞争精神传播和回收增加。“RecycleMania RecycleMania指导委员会是一个独立的程序。竞争成为可能的赞助支持SCA组织、可口可乐公司、美铝基金会,废物管理,保持美国的美丽森林与纸协会和美国。项目管理提供了让美国美丽的额外程序支持从美国EPA WasteWise程序和学院和大学回收联盟(CURC)。“我们激动庆祝2011年RecycleMania冠军知道,通过增加校园回收,所有参与学校是赢家,”Matt McKenna说,总裁兼首席执行官保持美国的美丽。“出租车是骄傲的我们正在进行的关系RecycleMania计划和期待让竞争更大更好的在未来几年。”“SCA要感谢和祝贺全国630所学院和大学参与RecycleMania 2011。这是我们希望这场比赛结束后很长时间都是,年轻人将全年继续回收和减少浪费,“唐刘易斯说,SCA组织北美。“SCA致力于可持续发展,我们将继续尽力保金博宝怎么注册护我们的环境和激励他人保持这种专注的精神和采取行动。” “Congratulations – and thank you – to all the students who helped protect the environment and conserve natural resources by recycling at their colleges and universities,” said Gary Wygant, Coca-Cola Recycling vice-president of business development. “Coca-Cola is proud to help bring RecycleMania to college campuses around the country and remind students about the good things that happen when they recycle.” “We salute all of the students who participated in RecycleMania for demonstrating how much they care about the environment,” said Paula Davis, president, Alcoa Foundation. “If every American recycled just one more can per week, we could boost recycling rates in the U.S. by 22 percent and save enough energy to power almost 300,000 average American homes for a full year. We’re proud to support RecycleMania and even more determined to make it easier for people to recycle.” “Waste Management has had a long and successful partnership with Keep America Beautiful, and we’re excited to expand that support to RecycleMania,” said Paul Pistono, vice president, public sector services. “As the largest recycler in North America, we are delighted that RecycleMania will showcase Waste Management’s ability to divert materials and improve recycling among colleges and universities. Our investment in innovative technologies, such as single-stream recycling, furthers our goal of providing customers with cost-efficient, environmental solutions and improving recycling rates at higher education institutions.” Top schools in each category earn “bragging rights,” while the winners of each are recognized with an award made of recycled glass. For the full results of the competition, go tohttp://recyclemaniacs.org/results.aspx。关于RecycleMania RecycleMania启动于2001年,是一个友好的挑战在俄亥俄大学和迈阿密大学增加回收他们的校园。比赛迅速扩大在10年的时间从两所学校在2011年到2001年的630所学院和大学包括49个州、哥伦比亚特区,加拿大和英国超过八周时间,校园里看到哪些机构可以收集竞争最大数量的人均可回收,总回收最多的,人均最少的垃圾,或有最高回收率。完全竞争的背景和细节,访问RecycleMania网站http://recyclemaniacs.org联系人罗伯特·华莱士/亚历克·厄尔电话:203.659.3016 / 843.278.7686电子邮件:rwallace@kab.org/acooley@kab.org网站:http://recyclemaniacs.orgKAB13276