


Glenn Croston发文生态前导

绿色企业在全球努力解决大问题,但善意并不总是足够的。 真正成功需要你不仅拥有伟大的产品,而且让人民知道它。人与你做生意前,他们想了解你并信任你,并看到你拥有他们想要的东西,这意味着与他们建立联系。连接你需要营销和公关,但你可能认为你没有时间或钱做它。解决方案虽然不花费巨资。这里有7种方式,你可以用预算营销绿色企业,并获取业务和地球需要的结果1. Social Networking   Everybody is on Facebook it seems like, but what are you doing with it? It's free, which is hard to beat, but your time is not free and you need results. It's easy for social networking to suck up a great deal of time if you're not careful, and not all of us get millions of followers Charlie Sheen style.    The best use of this new tool is to connect with people, to establish a bond that grows over time and builds interest in you and what you do. Your social network is your new mobile village, and is an increasingly valuable tool to not just talk at people but to listen. Every time I'm on Facebook, I find out something interesting about my green biz friends like Spencer Brown of 租绿盒和ThomasAckerman 精神图形打印中有些关乎他们的业务,而很多非业务, 但它都与他们所为大故事相联相遇和欢呼所有电子工具最强连接方式仍然是面对面相遇,许多人仍然不自在做生意,除非他们认识你和握手,感觉他们真正了解你。 抓住一切机会与人见面并聊天了解你做什么和做什么,并建立持久联系以建立宝贵的长期商务关系。 EvanMarks 生态中心188bet网址怎么打不开通过他们在当地社区的讲习班,通过社交网络和新书拓展 后院技巧扩展消息传递范围3. Video   Video is a powerful tool, and increasingly easy to use. When you can't meet someone face to face, a good video is the next best thing. Videos can range from professionally produced to cell phone videos, from the funny to the dramatic, but one way or another they help people to know you better, to read beyond your words.     Quality of the video helps, but in an age where people are constantly sold and marketed to, a simple and direct video that is perceived as authentic can cut through the noise and get us to listen. Even if the video is just you talking on a Flipcam about your business and what you do, it can help for people to see that you are a real person. Keeping it simple has the added benefit of keeping costs low, as well as being perceived as honest.通向GuerillaWe源源不断营销,这可以增加阻力并限制营销效果,正因如此大公司营销日益融入程序,我们无法跳出或智商跳出程序 Stonifield农场CE-Yo Gary Hirshberg提醒运动几乎完全没有预算地展开,通过充气轮胎、发票和本地广播等方式展开运动。 最佳绿博客可压缩搜索范围以最贴切者为对象。通过启动自己的博客网站,可建立回址更新潜在客户的跟踪HARO 日复一日 世界各地千位记者寻找故事源 PeterShankman找到帮助方法 帮助记者成为故事的潜在源头,免费登录网站,你每周日会收到三份邮件并附故事题目记录员表需要帮助。查找相关故事,发送记者关于你自己的邮件,你可能会发现自己在一些大曝光中7 以媒体分布传播故事时,有业务故事,并有各种媒体讲故事,寻找廉价方式传播媒体可提高效果 3BL媒体金博宝手机版网页绿色企业可以传播丰富多采媒体方式之一, 特别是关于绿色企业和CSR的新闻和信息。 最有效的媒体分发超出新闻稿范围,包括视频、音频、博客和社交网络等新媒体。 常以多格式向最广的听众讲故事。 查看一些实例如何运作, 您可以查看我用3BL媒体发布的一些消息: 启动3BL媒体Green.Glenn Crosston是75绿企业和启动绿企业的作者 启动绿色帮助绿色企业启动绿色增长






