7 Sins工作场所提供

7 当前员工提供和志愿服务常见挑战(第一部分)
欢乐社会回馈比任何时候都重要推理是人们对公司有更高的期望帮助回馈,既包括消费者也包括雇员。 越来越多的公司意识到工作场所提供和雇员参与之间的联系,对雇员提供和志愿程序有更高兴趣。 兴建研究显示雇员想为关心公司工作,社会责任是雇员决定加入、留置或离任公司的一个考虑因素,社会责任与雇用和生产性雇员之间有联系。 这对于某些段子 — — 如Millibles和Moms — — 尤其重要。近70%的美国人表示因子moms增长79%和Milliors增长87%(2010Cone驱动进化研究)。如果部分人民策略面向 任何这些段, 这是相当重要的东西188bet网址怎么打不开Despite this increased demand, the employee element of corporate giving often lags in attention and innovation behind the focus given to the community and consumer-facing aspects of corporate philanthropy. In this article, we look at seven common challenges with current workplace giving and volunteering programs.    1.   "We're All in this Together" – Wait, are We? Lack of Alignment between Corporate Giving and Employee Giving Let's start with the goal of workplace giving programs (from a corporate perspective). Let's face facts: it's not purely altruistic. It's also about employee engagement, extending your brand, and resonating positively with employees and the community at large. However, companies are struggling to bring their increased investments in corporate philanthropy and community investment closer to their target audiences/behaviors - both on the consumer and employee fronts - and correspondingly, struggling to realize the social and business impacts that they want to achieve.188bet网址怎么打不开常见假设:一手公司慈善或社区投资策略清晰概述目标以及焦点领域或事业柱石对公司很重要(例如:健康、环境、小朋友等)金博宝手机版网页on the other hand, the workplace giving program for employees is a distinct program that doesn't include the focus areas or pillars (i.e.: the workplace giving program doesn't communicate what the corporate focus areas/CI pillars are, nor does it provide ways and reasons for employees to easily support the corporate focus areas/CI pillars). In some cases, the workplace giving program is a third-party campaign, so workplace giving is not delivered under the company's brand. A lack of alignment between corporate giving and employee giving means companies are missing an opportunity to connect with their employees and build giving and strategic CSR into their corporate culture. Not to mention bringing corporate giving into the community through your employees – because your employees are your brand!金博宝手机版网页公司需要设计工作场所程序以紧密匹配企业与战略CSR/CI目标。你不需要选择“杀手事业”实现这一点:贵组织可创建与您的慈善或社区投资支柱、区域策略和目标相匹配的事业组合。通过特效运动、博客文章和实时匹配出价向员工推广2 we're stuck- Stagnant Employee Participation Rates People care more than ever about supporting causes and have greater expectations of companies to help them do this. Yet, many companies note that employee participation rates for their workplace giving programs are stuck at about 20% or though higher, rarely improve year-over-year.  The participation rate is an easy measure, but a potentially misleading one. Moving the needle on employee engagement is only possible if employees find value in the initiatives.    Clearly, if participation rates are low, there's a problem (since engagement is part of the goal). And why might this be? Maybe it's because it's not dead easy or convenient to give or volunteer through existing programs because of a clunky or cumbersome tool!或全年交互性或全年性可能是因为公司不主动接触员工并鼓动员工参赛 并获得执行官的背书和买入可能是因为企业工作场所提供程序使用的一些技术解决方案有用户界面,这些界面建于20世纪90年代(Hello,这些用户界面强制员工使用Facebook和LinkedIn系统? ) 。 不论原因为何(pordonpun),没有理由满足低参与率说到此,如果参与率高得合理,而参与率取决于电阻和压力,则接触元素自然会缺位。不管它通信差或缺少高层领导支持,一个可行的解决方案必须解决人们如何在广大用户群中产生真诚热切参与的问题。弹性选择(面向雇主和雇员):缺失多时公司会问我们:什么是杀手事业?我们认为我们知道答案。不是某些魔力大牌慈善遍及每一个人口群简单得多。杀手的动机是NPO(小或大、本地或国家)对相关个人最为重要-在本案中,原因或原因对每位雇员都重要提供是一个非常个人化的判断现有程序倾向于向高层管理所选择的固定大型慈善组织提供。让我们坦率地说:你的雇员们对向CEO最喜爱的慈善组织捐款而与个人共鸣的可能性有多大?提高员工参与度是工作场所提供程序的关键目标,当引入员工对公司期望更高并期望雇主帮助雇主回馈对企业很重要的原因时,扩展选择程序帮助公司解决这些期望增加问题。同时帮助公司提高工作场所提供程序对企业和社会的影响97%拥有扩大选择工作场所程序的公司表示它提高雇员参与度,66%报告它提高雇员士气LBG关联公司、工作场所自理工程公司、使之为您服务公司,2010年公司也需要弹性性 公司可以通过正确的工具创建自有标签的事业组合 柱子下,地理上,划分上,等等 和这些相同原因可以同时面向客户和雇员程序 。越灵活和敏捷交付模型和技术,程序可更具战略性(和有效性)以点亮2011年员工光线­­­­­­­­­­­ 介绍spark友爱之道
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