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每个人都喜欢一个好故事,但故事不只是睡觉和电影。讲故事是一个重要的技能为企业所有的颜色,包括绿色的。我们的头脑连接听故事,可能追溯到早期的黎明人讲故事时我们如何与他人分享重要信息。无论是在科学、政治、或营销,利用故事,联系并影响其他人做得更好比那些现在干事实和数据缺乏情绪的内容。改变世界和混淆,讲故事,帮助我们了解我们是谁,我们要去哪里。在企业公关和营销的世界里,故事是用来销售没有看起来像我们销售。我们都知道广告工作,因为这个故事偷偷在我们知识雷达,大脑与我们的情感让我们照顾。报价和清单的好处是一个更直接的方法但可能完成只不过让我们通道或者点击切换到另一个页面。绿色企业营销业务时没有不同的故事,他们的故事到他们的工作通讯从社交网络到广告新闻发布博客。好消息是,绿色企业有这么多伟大的故事,故事的承诺通过可持续性建设一个光明的世界。金博宝怎么注册 This is one factor that gives green businesses a big leg up in the business world, so they need to make the most of it. Here are 7 green marketing steps to tell your business story: 1. Find what makes you unique- If you want your story to stick with people and go viral it needs to be different from what they have heard before. Sometimes your business is so innovative that finding the uniqueness is easy. When Spencer Brown tells the story of租一间绿色的盒子顿悟,在垃圾填埋场的山浪费了纸箱,不难与创新的“移动业务的故事。汤姆Szaky开始的故事Terracycle蠕虫便便的苏打瓶是绿色创新的另一个引人注目的例子,很容易抓住了想象力。如果你有一个绿色版本的现有业务,使绿色衣架,也许这是你的故事。也许你比你的竞争对手更环保,或工作来支持你的社区,你的世界在一个新的和创造性的方式,比如在非洲倡议提供干净的水,和一群喜欢合作188bet网址怎么打不开水的人。也许你的创始人有一个令人信服的故事如何以及为什么他们开始业务,或者他们希望看到它去的地方,可以帮助我们看到他们的视力。总有办法让你脱颖而出的故事。2。找出你的故事——这是奇怪,但当我与人们通常看来,他们不知道自己创业的故事,或不知道如何告诉它。一定程度上这可能是角度问题。我们变得如此沉浸于自己的业务,我们不能看得清楚一些。有时别人更容易客观看待您的业务比你看到你自己的故事。正确你的故事是如此的重要,帮助从一个可信赖的朋友或营销专业是非常值得的。这里有一些尝试和真正的简单的故事情节你可以自由使用和调整,以确保你的故事击中要害。看哪个适合你,或者尝试一些大小。我非常喜欢乐观的绿色商业的故事自己——这样的负面新闻,一个积极的改变很清新的故事。3所示。保持简单——你的故事需要简单如果有人听。记住,我们生活在一个注意力分散的时代电子,并相应形状你的故事。你只有几分钟,几句话吸引某人的注意之前,他们听到的是“巴拉,巴拉”,他们回到他们的iPhone。Twitter的一个优点是,它迫使这种简单性。即使你不使用Twitter,使用Twitter的简单性是一个很好的运动,迫使你归结的故事将人们联系在一起的本质。4所示。 The story is about more than selling- Your story has to lead somewhere, including doing business with you, but it needs to be about more than just selling things. Starbucks doesn’t just sell coffee – they sell a vision of how people want to live, of small luxuries. Your green business isn’t just a product you sell, but a vision of how you will make lives better for people and our planet. 5. Practice, Practice, Practice- Your story will have a face associated with it or a voice, someone who is good at telling the story. Video is a great way to communicate, often with a simple video of you talking about your business. You might be a natural at this, but if you’re not then practicing your story is a good idea so it is smooth, natural, and personal. Taping yourself and watching the playback is brutal, but effective. Getting an honest opinion from a friend can also be good if they can provide honest and specific constructive criticism. 6. Tell your story many different places, many different times, and in many different ways- No matter how great your story is, it won’t matter if nobody hears it. You need to tell your story over and over again to anyone who will listen. You need to use all of the media that are available today, moving beyond press releases to use new tools like videos and social networking that are more personal and form a stronger connection with your audience. 7. Don’t forget to connect with people- The whole point of telling your story in your green marketing and communications is to connect with people. It’s important to remember that this is the essence of your story and why you tell it. Your story needs to say something that your audience cares about, motivating them to take action. What is that story going to be? That all depends on you and your business, but with a little luck, experience, and practice you’ll be a great green biz storyteller in no time. Glenn Croston is the author of “75 Green Businesses” and “Starting Green”, helping businesses to go green and grow green with consulting and communications at Starting Up Green (www.startingupgreen.com)。他可以达成的glenn.croston (at) startingupgreen com(点)来源:Ecopreneurist(http://s.tt/133qh)







