8 Ways to Use Sustainability News and Distribution Networks to Promote Sustainability

8 Ways to Use Sustainability News and Distribution Networks to Promote Sustainability

Taiga Company的创始人兼执行合伙人Julie Urlaub撰写的Taiga Company博客

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Julie Urlaub, Founder and Managing Partner of Taiga Company

Friday, February 24, 2012 - 7:30am
The days of the controlled and scripted press release may be coming to an end. The propagation of sustainable information to effectively communicate business sustainability successes is becoming a more active dialogue. However, there are challenges to effectively and clearly communicating the business sustainability message internal and external to the organization.
Because sustainability concepts and definitions are still subject to interpretation and debate, the ‘active’ engagement and dialog with stakeholders cannot be overlooked when building effective business sustainability programs and a social media marketing strategy. However, there are leading organizationsMastering the Zen of Sustainability Communications.
What can we learn from them? More importantly, with the vast amount of information available on the internet, how do we find the best sources of business sustainability information?
There are two leading distribution services in the CSR and sustainability space: 3BLMedia/ JustMeans and CSRWire. AtTaiga Company, we're big fans of 3BL Media and JustMeans. We encourage others to subscribe to both feeds: JustMeans and 3BL Media to promote sustainability:
  • Learn which companies are posting what types of material on each platform.

  • Think about the content being delivered and is there a way that you can leverage the content to build relationships in your business.

  • Explore the innovative ways organizations are sharing their sustainability stories.

  • Be informed of upcoming conferences, webinars, recently released whitepapers and reports.

  • Consider using this content as a source of information for your own blog post and tweets.

  • Excellent way of keeping up with what others are doing in the industry.

  • Inspiration to keep sustainability fresh in your own sustainability practice.

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If you found this information helpful, you'll love our Social Media for Sustainability Professionals , an 8-week, online and self-guided program that provides everything you need to make the most of social media in 2012.
Home to one third of the earth's trees, the Taiga is the largest land-based biosphere and encircles the globe. Its immense oxygen production literally changes the atmosphere and refreshes the planet. It is this continuous renewal that has shapedTaiga Company's vision to drive similar change in the business world. Taiga Company seeks to be the "oxygen for your business".


Taiga Company