
运动: 英勇的社会

(3提单媒体可比我们)- 12月金博宝手机版网页16日2011 -重申的承诺的机构与我国金融教育问题——Grupo Financiero Banorte-IXE,加入协会的银行部门工作协调。深层利益人民Banorte-Ixe显示为建立一个更强的墨西哥,在这一天,志愿者力量是最好的工具。

42志愿者的热情(27科利马和15个地方)影响数百名儿童参加怀着极大的兴趣的车间我们的代表,在有趣的和动态的基本概念,能够播下的种子保存的重要性,根据孩子一样的评论将被转发到父母。满意结果参与者完成他们的工作,渴望参与其他活动,因为根据他们的评论。“这是一个巨大的机会与孩子分享他们的知识代表了我们的未来。”Gloria Rodriguez. Willing to redouble efforts to help strengthen that culture in our country's financial health, design and participate in activities that can contribute our grain of sand. We invite you to keep an eye on the calls, you are a cornerstone in all efforts to benefit the communities where we operate. Thanks to all those volunteers, who shared their vast experience and their strong desire to encourage those who need us! BAN19623