加速气候行动:Project Gigaton™标记关键里程碑

加速气候行动:Project Gigaton™标记关键里程碑

沃尔玛公司执行副总裁兼首席可持续发展官Kathleen McLaughlin;金博宝怎么注册沃尔玛基金会主席



如今,沃尔玛标志着一个主要的里程碑:现在,我们已经超过一半的目标是避免或避免通过Project Gigaton™Initiative,到2030年,产品供应链从产品供应链中进行了10亿吨(GIGATON)的温室气体(GHG)排放。With over 4,500 of our suppliers engaged since the initiative’s launch in 2017, and suppliers reporting a cumulative total of more than 574 million metric tons of emissions reduced or avoided, Project Gigaton™ continues to make progress as one of the largest private sector consortia of its kind.


Most greenhouse gas emissions in the retail sector lie in product supply chains and are classified as Scope 3 emissions, as opposed to Scope 1 emissions, which are the direct result of a company’s operations — such as the emissions from refrigeration, onsite fuels, and transportation — or Scope 2 emissions, which are the indirect result of purchased energy, such as electricity. We designed Project Gigaton™ in 2017 to catalyze and support supplier initiatives to decarbonize product supply chains.

Over the years, we have expanded Project Gigaton™ to focus action on six arenas in product supply chains that are key for emissions reduction and also tend to align with suppliers’ business priorities: energy use, nature, waste, packaging, transportation and product design.


2021年,超过2500家全球供应商(占沃尔玛美国产品净销售额的70%以上)报告了他们的计划,并通过Project Gigaton™导致了排放的变化。

Project Gigaton™还为供应商提供了支持创新解决方案的资源。例如:

  • 2020年,我们与Schneider Electric合作推出了Gigaton PPA,以帮助符合条件的供应商访问可再生能源,了解能源购买,减少排放并为Project Gigaton™做出贡献。第一个成立于2021年的Gigaton PPA供应商队列,该项目正在发展。
  • 在2021年,我们扩展了供应商融资计划我们开发了2019汇丰银行(HSBC)向沃尔玛私人品牌供应商提供增强的融资和早期发票支付,他们将基于科学的排放目标设定为根据CDP报告的1.5摄氏度。

通过这种鼓励和支持,我们旨在使气候行动民主化 - 帮助中小型供应商采取行动以减少其排放。



While it may be difficult to measure a multi-category retailer’s total Scope 3 footprint precisely, we designed Project Gigaton™ to drive action to decarbonize supply chains, focusing on concrete changes to specific business practices and consumer behaviors suppliers can measure or at least estimate, using the best available science/guidance from our NGO partners EDF, CDP and WWF. And by aiming for a gigaton by 2030, we set a bold ambition in line with the Paris Agreement, based on the broad estimates of Scope 3 emissions when we set the goal.

与Project Gigaton™同时,我们继续努力根据最新的可用方法来完善对范围3排放足迹的估计。我们最近提交给CDP的提交依赖于该方法1温室气体协议。对于零售业,购买的商品和服务和销售产品的使用是范围3排放的最大估计来源 - 在2020188bet上不了年,我们向CDP报告说,沃尔玛美国的总估计值为162.4mmt CO2E,对于这两种排放。这些数据使我们可以优先考虑非政府组织和其他专家,以基于数据可用性和质量来进一步改进方法。




敬请期待我们全年发布其他环境,社会和治理(ESG)摘要,涵盖了我们的关键计划的进展。有关我们的气候努力的更多信息请参阅沃尔玛的《 22财年气候简报》