

(3提单媒体/可比我们麦迪逊WI金博宝手机版网页 - 9月15日,2011 -绿色建筑专家,环保主义者,和认证专家配合的预览先进指标确定产品和建筑的环境足迹在8月31日车间、“LCA路线图为零影响的建筑。”事件是由美国建筑师学会(AIA)旧金山举办的总部和国家标准委员会正在努力完成一个新的生命周期评估(LCA)标准在美国国家标准协会(ANSI)的过程。标准将增加国际LCA标准通过提供详细的计算方法,填补传统LCA实践的主要差距,确保全面的环境责任,并建立指导方针等各种公开声称来自评估。

委员会主席比尔•Karsell环境服务部门的前首席美国垦务局设置阶段通过提供简要概述的标准,目前的护卫ANSI过程莱昂纳多学院,一个非188bet上不了营利性ANSI-accredited标准开发位于麦迪逊的WI。“我们的目标是建设社区熟悉如何使用该标准支持更多的了解产品和材料的选择,和减少建筑对环境的影响在他188bet网址怎么打不开们的一生中,“Karsell先生说。“最重要的信息传达是,这将是一个公共的标准,提供给所有相关方使用。“案例研究提出了证明指标可以用来解决环境不同的建筑材料,如木材管理两个不同的森林管理系统下,和解决影响类别之前离开或被扭曲LCA研究和跟踪建筑的环境概要文件在每个阶段的设计和建设、运营和维护,居住者的采购和使用,以及临终。主持人和小组成员包括丹•伯戈因加州总务部门的可持续发展经理(DGS);金博宝怎么注册188bet上不了总统首席佛瑞斯特和迈克尔•贾尼洪堡红木公司;Keith Killpack生命周期从业者,托拜厄斯舒尔茨,生命周期联系起来,这两个科学认证系统;主任加里·道奇科学认证,森林管理委员会;戴夫小兄弟,美国地区经理,雨林联盟;杰森·格兰特,森林认证委员会成员,塞拉俱乐部; Heather Gadonniex, EPD Program Manager, ULe; Steve Baer, Chair of the USGBC Materials & Resources Technical Advisory Group; and Brendan Owens, Vice President, LEED Technical Development, USGBC. “The more impacts we can cover and the more we can quantify, the better equipped everyone will be to understand the true impacts of our buildings,” said Mr. Burgoyne of California DGS. Mr. Jani echoed that point, describing the importance of enabling building specifiers to distinguish between wood sources based on their impacts. “Not all forests are managed alike. There are impacts that need to be looked at to differentiate one forest product from another,” he said. The workshop sparked lively and highly productive discussions about how the new metrics should be incorporated into LEED 2012. “The takeaway is that it is critical to have life cycle impact assessment approaches that are comprehensive enough to examine the full range of impacts,” said Mr. Grant of the Sierra Club. “I hope that the discussion started here today will continue and that the result will be the adoption of stronger LCA models and metrics in LEED 2012.” The workshop was one of several gatherings and webinars being facilitated by the committee as it fulfills its commitment under the ANSI process to full transparency, stakeholder outreach and consensus building. Future workshops, webinars and presentations are planned, including a presentation on Environmental Building Declarations at the upcoming Greenbuild conference in Toronto. LA16782