Advancing Racial Equity Through Your Investments

Advancing Racial Equity Through Your Investments

Investors now have a variety of intentional investing approaches to pursue a more inclusive society, as well as their financial goals.
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 - 10:00am





  1. 支持多元化或-run资产经理
  2. Seeking investments in companies that are creating products and solutions directly addressing the needs of disadvantaged communities
  3. 查看各行业的公开贸易公司的多样性和包容记录
  4. 最大程度地减少或避免接触落后的种族股权记录的公司

Shareholder engagement and impact reporting can strengthen each of these approaches.


Diverse Ownership: An Opportunity for Investors

While investors increasingly think about a range of social criteria, including the diversity of corporate boards, employees and senior leaders, fewer investors故意整合所有权的多样性with how investment managers allocate their assets. Some institutions, such as endowments and foundations, have focused specifically on Women or Minority-Owned Business Enterprises (WMBE), a designation that asset managers use to identify businesses that are at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by one or more ethnic minority, gender or veteran classification.

At Morgan Stanley, we have highlighted investments with this status since 2015. Some investors have also sought out “emerging managers,” a term which can carry many different definitions but is meant to designate promising, often diverse-owned asset managers with fewer assets under management.

最近的研究表明,在美国,各种资产经理仅负责专业管理下的资产的1.3%,为什么如此少有种族和种族多元化的公司管理的资产很少?一种可能性是,一些投资者(个人,家庭和机构以及为他们服务的顾问)在选择资产经理时隐含的偏见。这一发现是由投资公司Illumen Capital和Stanford University的Sparq领导的一项研究的结果,这是一个自称为“ Do Tank”,可帮助决策者,教育工作者和非营利组织领导者将社会心理学的见解和方法应用于其工作。1

值得注意的是,根据哈佛大学商学院的乔什·勒纳(Josh Lerner)教授进行的一项研究,奈特基金会和贝拉研究小组出版了一项研究,各种资产管理公司的绩效与整个行业没有统计学上的不同。2This study also found that many strategies managed by diverse-owned firms performed in the top quartile of mutual funds, hedge funds and private equity funds.

Invest in Solutions to Help Disadvantaged Communities



Consider Diversity at Companies You Invest In

Investment funds that factor a holistic set of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) considerations into their investment selection process often include racial-equity criteria. For example, as part of social considerations (the “S” in ESG), companies may be evaluated on whether they have diverse representation across employees, as well as policies that support attracting and retaining diverse employees, which can boost talent retention and drive innovation.


长期以来,可持续投资者已经承认,大多数公司,即使是那些比同行表现更好的公司,都在整个组织的各个级别的种族和种族之间达到平衡的代表。可持续和影响的投资公司还可以吸引股东,以促进更多的对话,激活代理投票并直接与他们在种族股权问题上拥有的公司提出决议。对于投资者而言,股东参与可以成为衡量您的投资组合中的管理人员积极与自己拥有的公司互动以随着时间而影响行为的重要工具。我们的摩根士丹利Impact Quotient®(Morgan Stanley IQ)工具还可以根据您的社会和环境目标评估您的投资组合,除了评估投资组合外,还可以帮助提供此分析。


For decades, some investors have been focused on avoiding companies that aren’t advancing racial equity. For example, in the 1980s and 1990s, socially responsible investors, including large religious institutions, used their capital to pressure companies to divest from operations in South Africa to protest apartheid.

Today, investors can seek to avoid companies engaged in sectors and industries that disproportionately impact communities of color—for example, the private prison industry or civilian weapons manufacturers. Many of the more than 160 investment strategies available on Morgan Stanley’sInvesting with Impact平台有意避免这些部门以及跨董事会成员和员工各种代表的公司落后者。投资者还可以在传统投资之上开发自定义,单独管理帐户或应用覆盖限制屏幕,以避免这些行业。

A Path Forward for Investors

Morgan Stanley财务顾问可以帮助您选择与您的财务目标和影响目标保持一致的上述方法或所有方法的投资产品。种族股权投资可以在权益和固定收入分配中激活。通过使用Morgan Stanley IQ,财务顾问可以帮助您跟踪投资组合,并报告其与环境和社会影响目标(包括多样性,公平和包容性)的一致性。

We believe that investors will increasingly be able to position their portfolios to take advantage of more emerging opportunities for racial-equity investing, along with a better understanding of the business case.

1Race influences professional investors’ financial judgments,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), August 27, 2019.

2Diversifying Investments: A Study of Ownership Diversity and Performance in the Asset Management Industry,” January 28, 2019, Knight Foundation

3多样性获胜:包容性如何,” by Sundiatu Dixon-Fyle, Kevin Dolan, Vivian Hunt, and Sara Prince, McKinsey & Co., May 19, 2020

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主要由环境,社会和治理(“ ESG”)的投资组合的收益可能比更多元化或仅基于投资考虑的决策的投资组合低或更高。由于ESG标准不包括一些投资,因此投资者可能无法利用与不使用此类标准的投资者相同的机会或市场趋势。

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© 2021 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. CRC 3586184 (05/2021)

This article is based on the Morgan Stanley Investing with Impact team’s Racial-Equity Investing Guide. Ask your Financial Advisor for a copy orfind an advisor.