Advice From Nadya: Want to Find Success? First Find Your Communities

Advice From Nadya: Want to Find Success? First Find Your Communities

By Nadya Okamoto, Founder and Executive Director of PERIOD
Nadya Okamoto (second from left), Founder of, first launched the NGO when she was 16 years old. To date, PERIOD has addressed over 800,000 periods through product distribution and registered over 600 campus chapters in all 50 US states and in over 30 countries.

Nadya Okamoto (second from left), Founder of, first launched the NGO when she was 16 years old. To date, PERIOD has addressed over 800,000 periods through product distribution and registered over 600 campus chapters in all 50 US states and in over 30 countries.


This is part three in a three-part series in which Nadya Okamoto provides advice to T-Mobile’s Changemaker Challenge participants. Nadya was recently named to the 2019Forbes 30 under 30and theBloomberg 50 “Ones to Watch”list for her work founding PERIOD. Follow#TMOChangemakeron social for more updates on the Changemaker Challenge!

2020年2月19日,星期三 - 下午1:00


我每天都知道我试图改变某些常态太久了 - 改变世界的概念使我每天都能起床!但是,拒绝和推翻只是工作的一部分。实际上,如果我发现自己还没有遇到障碍,那是我知道我需要创新以继续挑战规范的时候 - 因为如果您是改变的,您就知道您的工作永远不会完成。当然,不断遇到障碍也可能会筋疲力尽。尤其是当总是有一份永无止境的电子邮件和电话清单时,这些电子邮件和电话非常重要 - 但这使工作与世隔绝平衡了真正的挑战!

Choosing to be a young activist – or entrepreneur – is a very exciting thing because of the impact you are making, but at times it can feel lonely. I remember at the beginning of my journey, I didn’t have many people around me that I could relate to. As a fellow youth changemaker, you might be surprised to realize you probably have more support within arm’s reach than you think.

Here are the three core communities I’ve built that helped me get to where I am today. I thought sharing these might help you identify a community you already have supporting you, or give you a nudge in the right direction to establish one or more to help you continue to succeed going forward.



从第一天开始,我的个人社188bet网址怎么打不开区就一直与我同在 - 这些人知道真正的纳迪亚最好:我的亲密朋友和家人。当我在一线斗争以确保时期成功时,寻找我的计划时 - 我的个人社区正在寻找我,确保我在战斗中照顾自己。188bet网址怎么打不开我的家人为我和我的成就感到骄傲,但他们是那些担心我充分睡觉并过着个人生活的人。我最好的朋友是从那里接管的人,并强迫我实际上放下笔记本电脑并玩得开心。当我平衡工作,经营多个冒险和成为哈佛大学的学生时,我最好的朋友是让我理智的人。


我很早就了解到,建立和投资一个强大的团队很重要(在我的以前的博客文章), because I am self-aware enough to know that I am not the best at everything. I started PERIOD with a co-founder and Operations Director, Vincent Forand, and we were a dream team for several years because we complemented each other’s skillsets and personalities extremely well. It felt like we could conquer the world! But, as our program started to scale – we needed to build a larger community who were committed to the same goal as us. I know it’s hard, especially with any sort of founder’s syndrome that makes you want to cling onto every last responsibility and do it yourself But part of being a successful entrepreneur is being a good leader. Eventually, Vincent and I started Period Chapters – which are school and community chapters that include passionate members on the ground helping us spread the #MenstrualMovement with the same fighting spirit that we have as founders, and sometimes even more. We now have over 600 registered chapters as part of our PERIOD community who are all striving for the same mission!


Changemaker Community

And last but not least, build a strong community of likeminded peers — your fellow changemakers. By networking with other entrepreneurs and founders, you can learn from their failures and successes. In most cases, this community doesn’t come to you naturally, you must prioritize networking, attending events, following other changemakers on social media — take the initiative to seek these people out, and be open when they find you. What worked for me was participating in various incubators and fellowships for entrepreneurs, who have become some of my best friends (hello, Personal Community!) and mentors. With my changemaker community, I can share stories about being a founder that others might not understand.

建立我的变革者社区也是我很高兴参与第二届年度T-188bet网址怎么打不开Mobile Changemaker Challenge的主要原因之一!并非每天都发现自己在一个充满了许多聪明的思想家和领导者的房间里,他们在创造明天世界的道路上开辟了道路。

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