AEG与Playworks合作,在洛杉矶的Magnolia Avenue Elementary举行“播放日”和美化项目

AEG与Playworks合作,在洛杉矶的Magnolia Avenue Elementary举行“播放日”和美化项目

2018年12月19日,星期三 - 上午9:00



为了庆祝AEG的捐赠季节,来自南加州的300多名AEG员工聚集在一起参加了12月7日在Magnolia Avenue Elementary Los Angeles的年度服务日。

Employees from the company’s Southern California-based offices and divisions, including AEG Presents, STAPLES Center, L.A. LIVE, StubHub Center, Los Angeles Convention Center, LA Kings and LA Galaxy, teamed up with Playworks to create a more engaging, educational and colorful environment for children to learn and thrive, in addition to engaging students through the power of play as they led games and activities during the school’s recess periods.


除了全天的员工的努力外,AEG还向Magnolia Avenue小学捐款10,000美元,以支持其技术,音乐和运动队在内的丰富计划,并向学校的校长Juan Reyes捐款。