AFLAC 2021业务与可持续性报告:人力金博宝怎么注册资本管理

AFLAC 2021业务与可持续性报告:人力金博宝怎么注册资本管理


照片:Keyla Cabret-Lewis;Aflac多样性,公平与包容性主任

2022年6月17日,星期五 - 上午9:00

活动:Aflac2021 Business & Sustainability Report


Aflac, we know doing the right thing is good for business, and we do that every day by investing first in our Aflac family. In both Japan and the U.S., the company strives to develop an engaged employee culture by supporting career development, emphasizing work-life balance, listening to our employees' feedback and ideas, and ensuring we show our appreciation for their hard work. Our overarching human capital philosophy is, “If you take care of your employees, your employees will take care of the business.”




  • 每月的健康和保健新闻通讯,涵盖了支持健康和福祉的所有最新事件,包括员工健康福利,时事,健康生活技巧等。
  • Annual biometric screenings that enable employees to track their health progress and find areas for continual improvement.
  • 提供预防性筛查以识别和监测癌症等健康状况。
  • 多个校园可用的步行小径供员工使用,以呼吸新鲜空气并重新加入。
  • 健康的活动和挑战,激励员工变得更加活跃。
  • 两个现场托儿中心。
  • 人体工程学资源,包括站立桌和椅子,以帮助创造最有效,最舒适的工作环境。
  • 大多数员工可用的现场健身中心以及全年举行的健身课程。
  • 减少了美国各地私人体育设施的会员资格,以容纳我们的偏远员工。
  • 多个员工医疗保健设施,称为AFLAC护理诊所,可提供病态的护理,健康教练,健康评估等。
  • 员工援助计划(EAP)可帮助员工应对生活中的一些斗争,包括滥用药物,家庭事务,婚姻问题以及财务和法律问题。
  • Financial coaching to help manage budgetary commitments, meet financial goals, protect against risks, save for contingencies or future needs like college or retirement, and cope with financial shocks.



Our core philosophy of caring for our employees is central to why Aflac places such an emphasis on engagement and appreciation. Throughout each year, the Company offers a variety of events and activities to celebrate our employees. For example, our Aflac Feathers program allows employees to recognize their peers and leaders by nominating them when they go above and beyond to uphold the seven commitments of the Aflac Way. By collecting points from these nominations, employees earn recognition and can redeem points for special items. Aflac employees also participate in an annual week-long traditional celebration and recognition of our employees — Employee Appreciation Week (EAW). In the U.S., EAW is held the first week of May, and includes a litany of daily activities such as daily drawings to games, entertainment, snacks and food, and community outreach opportunities. Every day of Employee Appreciation Week is designed to show employees how much Aflac appreciates them.

Employee Engagement




  • 2021年的总参与分数:84%,比外部基准高11分。
  • 为成为AFLAC的一员而感到自豪的员工:89%。
  • Equipping factors for employees score: 80%, 5 points above the external benchmark.
  • 参与率:80%。
  • Employees who rarely think about looking for a new job at another company: 71%.
  • 认为Aflac表现出对道德业务决策和行为的承诺:89%。


Talent Development



Aflacoffers career support services to employees across the U.S. through its Career Success Centers. U.S. employees can meet with career consultants who provide mentoring, coaching, résumé writing support, mock interviews, career consultations, exam proctoring and talent assessments.


The mission of Aflac’s mentoring program, TEACH, is to excite and empower employees to pursue self-development and provide an opportunity to tap into useful skills and experiences of others for growth and development. TEACH allows employees to “teach what they know and to learn what they don’t.”

TEACH mentors are leaders across the organization who volunteer for a six-month program to mentor employees. Mentors and mentees are “matched” for the program based on career alignment and development focus. The program offers organized activities and encourages the pairs to build a working relationship that goes beyond the length of the formal program.

照片:Keyla Cabret-Lewis;Aflac多样性,公平与包容性主任


–Keyla Cabret-Lewis,Aflac多样性,公平与包容性的主任



该公司鼓励员工保持健康的身心。作为我们承诺的一部分,Aflac Japan提供了许多工具和资源,例如步行运动,在线研讨会,以提高健康素养,与生活方式相关的改善工作,例如吸烟戒烟支持,促进癌症筛查,建立就业支持系统以及其他活动,以及其他活动帮助员工保持健康。

结果,日本阿夫拉克(Aflac Japan)连续第四年被日本经济,贸易和工业部作为健康和生产力管理组织。该认证获得了员工健康管理,战略性重视的工作风格和社会欣赏性工作环境的发展的最佳实践。

Aflac Japan提供现场托儿中心,并为不同的育儿阶段提供支持:在产前,分娩/分娩期间,平衡工作和父母责任。

Employee Engagement, Training and Development

我们认为,对于Aflac Japan来说,加强员工的敬业度很重要,以便员工可以对自己的组织和工作充满热情,并最大程度地提高自己的贡献意愿。为此,Aflac Japan通过利用“计划,执行,检查,ACT”或(PDCA)周期进行了员工参与调查并进行改进。根据2021年的员工敬业度调查,Aflac Japan员工的总参与得分超过日本平均水平。此外,Aflac Japan采用了一种新的人力资源管理系统,以实现“多样化人力资源可以自主运作,利用和最大化其优势并形成自己的职业的环境”。Aflac Japan为员工提供了诸如职业发展计划的介绍,个人培训,为所有经理提供的人力资源管理培训以及通过各种手段进行培训,包括网络研讨会和微观学习,以支持员工的职业发展。此外,Aflac Japan还在制定一项选择性的人力资源开发计划,以继续加强领导能力。

Japan Work SMART

Aflac Japan通过其“ Aflac Work Smart”倡议来促进工作风格的改革。


Realizing a better balance between work and home:

Flexible schedules

Aflac Japan通过利用轮班工作和灵活的时间以及每小时的付费假期,为每位员工提供灵活的工作时间表。对于那些利用儿童或护理护理的人,Aflac Japan提供了减少的工作时间系统,合格的员工可以从10个选择中选择工作时间,并结合轮班工作。

Aflac Japan提供了一个工作系统和环境,使每个员工都能在家工作。该公司为所有员工提供了笔记本电脑,平板电脑和智能手机,以便他们可以从办公室外部轻松访问Aflac Japan的内部系统,并在使用网络会议系统时就在办公室工作。

为了使组织成果最大化,即使Covid-19的影响仍在继续,Aflac Japan已经建立了与Corona合作的原则”(即在Covid-19环境中工作),以致力于实现混合工作风格的努力,以实现实现意识现场和远程工作的最佳平衡。


  • By promoting work styles that are not limited by place, Aflac Japan was able to maintain stable business operations even though over 50% of employees were working remotely.
  • 经理和员工缴纳了每年带薪休假的87%。
  • 适用的情况下,有100%的员工在适用的情况下休了产假或亲子鉴定。


AflacJapan’s Employee Appreciation Week is designed to celebrate and recognize the company’s greatest assets — its employees. To coincide with the anniversary of Aflac Japan’s establishment, each November Aflac Japan holds its annual Employee Appreciation Week. From daily drawings to enjoying snacks, food and family events, Employee Appreciation Week is designed to show employees how much Aflac appreciates them each and every day.
