Aflac 2021 Business & Sustainability Report: Philanthropy

Aflac 2021 Business & Sustainability Report: Philanthropy

The Aflac Parents House is also used as a comprehensive support center for consultation and events related to pediatric cancer.

Thursday, June 2, 2022 - 10:30am




自1995年以来Aflac癌症和血液疾病中心of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta通过创新的研究计划和尖端的治疗选择,美国领先的儿童癌症,血液学以及血液和骨髓移植计划之一已成为全国知名,儿童癌症的五年生存率显着提高,从20%开始提高在1965年至今已超过80%。这一值得的事业非常接近Aflac家族的中心,包括Aflac Foundation,Inc。,我们的高管,员工和现场力量,他们的慷慨贡献有助于为研究提供稳定的资金。In total, Aflac’s contributions to the Aflac Cancer Center have exceeded the $160 million mark as of April 2022. This generosity has greatly contributed to the Aflac Cancer Center’s success and distinction in research, which has earned the Aflac Cancer Center recognition as one of the top pediatric cancer programs in the country by U.S. News and World Report. Aflac’s commitment is not only positively impacting kids with childhood cancer, but also those with rare blood disorders, including sickle cell disease – a disease that is not widely known or understood.

The inspiration for Aflac’s efforts to help address challenges brought on by sickle cell disease, in relation to larger disparities in pediatric health care, are largely centered on the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta: The Aflac Cancer Center is the most prolific provider of sickle cell disease care in the U.S., caring for nearly 2,000 pediatric patients each year and regularly performing blood and marrow transplants. In 2020, it was rated No. 1 in the nation for total sickle cell disease discharges in 2020 with 2,000-plus total patient visits, according to the Public Health Information System Data.


A large part of being a well-respected and trusted company includes being a compassionate and socially responsible company. Aflac Japan recognizes that social responsibility is an essential element of our purpose. As a company, the Aflac Japan family cares deeply about our communities, and it is our privilege to help where we can. When a child is diagnosed with cancer or other serious medical conditions, he or she often must travel to Tokyo or Osaka from other parts of Japan to receive treatment, which is often an ongoing process. To help provide a level of assistance, the first Aflac Parents House, which was established in 2001 through a donation from Aflac Japan, serves as a home away from home where pediatric patients and their families can temporarily live together while they support their child’s battle with cancer or numerous other serious illnesses. The Aflac Parents House is also utilized as a comprehensive support center for consultation and events related to pediatric cancer.

为了纪念2019年11月去世的让·阿莫斯(Jean Amos),阿夫拉克日本(Aflac Japan)对父母的房屋进行了翻新,并建立了阿莫斯(Amos)房间,并通过Aflac日本高管,员工,集团公司和销售代理商的纪念捐款。这些人还通过捐赠卫生产品和每日必需品来支持父母住所的运作,以便儿童及其家人可以放心地留在建筑物中,即使人们对Covid-19的感染的担忧持续下去。

The Aflac Parents House is also used as a comprehensive support center for consultation and events related to pediatric cancer.

Cancer Awareness Classroom

Aflac recognizes the duty and responsibility that comes with being the pioneer and leading company for cancer insurance. As the pioneer of cancer insurance, consumers have placed their trust in our company and our products. We work hard each day to be good stewards of that trust. At Aflac Japan, for example, in cooperation with all 47 prefectures, we actively educate people about cancer prevention and the importance of early detection. For example, in the Tokyo suburb of Chofu City, where Aflac Japan has major operations, the company cooperates with the local government to provide cancer education and developed cancer classes for all junior high schools in the city. In December 2021, Aflac Japan co-hosted a cancer screening awareness seminar with Chofu City on Aflac Japan’s official YouTube channel, with the aim of spreading a correct understanding of cancer screening.

Aflac Japan所有丝带

Aflac不仅努力为我们的保单持有人提供安心,而且还为我们的员工提供了同情心的帮助。考虑到这一点,2017年,Aflac Japan开创了一个基于同伴的志愿者员工社区,称为经历过癌症的员工的所有丝带。188bet网址怎么打不开选择该名称是为了反映社区成员互相支持及其经历过各种癌症的Aflac同事的愿望。188bet网址怎么打不开所有丝带小组成员为与癌症作斗争并努力平衡治疗和工作的同事提供支持。所有丝带参与者都有机会分享与癌症作斗争的独特经历,包括在工作生活中保持平衡的技巧。还提供了员工咨询服务。188bet上不了除了这些支持活动外,所有丝带组还举办小组讨论,这些讨论通常在所有丝带咖啡馆举行,这是可提供癌症服务信息的员工的聚会场所。188bet上不了




我的特殊Aflac Duck®

在日本和美国,Aflac Informated相信为子孙后代做好了。这在Aflac家族中的许多方面都在形成,但最突出的是我们对面临儿童癌症的儿童和家庭的奉献精神。我们知道,帮助儿童应对癌症不仅需要药物。这就是为什么Aflac提供我的特殊Aflac Duck在美国,日本和北爱尔兰的儿童中免费提供帮助他们接受癌症治疗时的帮助。这是一项投资 - 对于孩子们,他们的家人和他们的未来。

除了支持儿童癌症的治疗和研究外,Aflac还希望做更多的事情。我们想给癌症的孩子们从字面上看的东西,这会给他们带来欢乐并帮助他们的旅程。Aflac在2018年发表了这一承诺我的特殊Aflac Duck,我们聪明的舒适伴侣在癌症治疗过程中使用互动技术可以帮助儿童感到孤独。一个兼容的基于网络的应用程序使孩子们能够反映他们的护理程序,包括医疗游戏,栩栩如生的运动和情绪,在癌症护理旅程中互动并帮助儿童带来舒适感。最终,我的特殊Aflac Duckhelps kids recognize that they’re not alone in their lived experience; creates positive associations with the treatment regimens to inspire adherence both in and out of the home; and provides coping mechanisms anytime, anywhere, for anyone.

Each year, more than 15,000 children are diagnosed with cancer in the U.S., and Aflac’s goal is to gift each newly diagnosed child, age three and up, his or her very own我的特殊Aflac Duckcompletely free of charge. Through the Aflac Childhood Cancer Campaign, Aflac Cancer Center and now,我的特殊Aflac Duck, Aflac is committed to providing support, hope, time and resources to children with cancer.

Having helped more than 13,000 kids cope with cancer,我的特殊Aflac Duckis finding some new friends. In early 2022, Aflac U.S. expanded the reach of its award-winning program to include children with blood disorders such as sickle cell disease. Housed in custom packaging, these new duck accessories are tailored especially to help children with blood disorders such as sickle cell cope with their unique care routines; they include a warm blanket, port-IV adapter and a new digital experience on the accompanying free app.

索耶·格洛里(Sawyer Guillory)出生时患有镰状细胞病,并接受了他的双胞胎兄弟萨克斯顿(Saxton)的骨髓作为治愈。两者都是2021年AFLAC试点计划的一部分,以提供新版本的我的特殊Aflac Duck给镰状细胞疾病的儿童。Guillory家族感激他们的两个儿子Saxton和Sawyer现在都健康。关于她的双胞胎和家人的经历,Shea Guillory说,“萨克斯顿和索耶是一个豆荚里的两个豌豆。他们一起出生。他们是“妇女”。索耶(Sawyer)实际上是他的治愈方法。当他们告诉我索耶患有镰状细胞性贫血时,我感到震惊。我很茫然。医生告诉我,我们需要为萨克斯顿提供最好的护理,这就是我们进入亚特兰大儿童医疗保健中心癌和血液疾病中心的方式。萨克斯顿(Saxton)是索耶(Sawyer)的骨髓移植供体。他和他的兄弟一起接受了手术和手术。我儿子在这家医院接受的护理水平很难描述。这对我来说意义重大。 Sawyer and Saxton received a My Special Aflac Duck, and Sawyer named his duck ‘Daxton’ after his twin brother. I am in love and in awe with everything about the Aflac Duck. It helps to give kids a way to express themselves. It’s a wonderful tool, and I think the more patients that have the opportunity to be able to use it, I think it would help them tremendously.”

医疗保健提供者可以参观myspecialaflacduck.com有关更多信息并要求我的特殊Aflac Ducks对于他们的小儿癌和镰状细胞疾病。

Download the 2021 Aflac Business & Sustainability Report here