Aflac Incorporated发布2021业务和可持续性报告金博宝怎么注册

Aflac Incorporated发布2021业务和可持续性报告金博宝怎么注册




活动:Aflac 2021 Business & Sustainability Report

CONTENT: Press Release

佐治亚州哥伦布,2022年3月24日,媒体 / - 阿夫拉克公司(Aflac Incorporated)今天宣布,该公司已发布2021 Business and Sustainability Report, titled "The Aflac Way: Making a Difference While Balancing Purpose and Profit." The 2021 Business and Sustainability report is available atInvestors.aflac.com在“可持续性金博宝怎么注册。”

2021年的业务和可持续性报告提供了对Afl金博宝怎么注册ac Incorporated的环境,社会和治理(ESG)的目标和成就的关键见解,并概述了2021财政年度的运营和财务业绩。今年的报告还强调了公司将ESG一体化纳入其投资和所有权决策的成就,包括:成为负责投资原则的签署人;沿着碳中立性和净零排放的道路发展;在解决经济流动性和社会不平等的合格投资中做出了7.25亿美元的增量承诺;在发行公司第一年的第一年,向绿色和社会投资分配2.52亿美元金博宝怎么注册可持续性债券; continuing to foster an inclusive culture in Japan and the U.S.; exceeding $157 million in contributions in support of the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta; supporting 140,000 pediatric patients and their families who stay at the Aflac Parents House in Japan during treatments; and giving a My Special Aflac Duck® to more than 13,000 children since 2018 to provide comfort through their treatment for cancer and most recently, sickle cell disease. It also highlights Aflac Incorporated's focus on strong governance and commitment to being a good steward of the environment.

关于the 2021 Business and Sustainability Report, Aflac Incorporated Chairman and CEO Dan Amos commented: "I don't think it's coincidental that Aflac has achieved success while focusing on doing the right things. In fact, I believe they go hand in hand. I'm proud of what we have accomplished in terms of both our social purpose and earnings results – in other words, balancing purpose and profit. Throughout this report, you will see Aflac's sound business strategies, unique company culture, and commitment to doing business the right way, including our commitment to diversity, the environment, governance and our communities. This is all done through the lens of balancing purpose and profit."

Aflac Incorporated总裁兼首席运营官弗雷德里克·J·克劳福德(Frederick J.但是现在,我们拥有利益相关者的支持和测量工具,可以帮助我们以也满足环境和社会目标的方式实现利润目标。我们认识到,要成为ESG的行业领导者,包括Aflac在内的每个公司都需要适应连续,这就是我们正在做的。本着我们优先考虑的透明度的精神,我们发布了我们的投资者对观看兴趣的材料,包括该公司的2020年与气候相关财务披露工作组(TCFD)报告, theAflac U.S. 2020 EEO-1 Disclosure和公司的碳披露项目(CDP)提交。”


Investors may learn more about Aflac Incorporated and its commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG), and social responsibility, atInvestors.aflac.com在“可持续性”下金博宝怎么注册。发表了公司的2020年与气候相关财务披露工作组(TCFD)报告, theAflac U.S. 2020 EEO-1 Disclosure和公司的碳披露项目(CDP)提交。

关于Aflac Incorporated

Aflac Incorporated(NYSE:AFL)是一家财富500强公司,通过其在日本和美国的子公司为超过5000万人提供保护,在保单持有人生病或受伤时,它是一家领先的补充保险公司,是一家领先的补充保险公司。在超过六十年的时间里,Aflac Incorporated子公司的保险单为保单持有人提供了专注于恢复而不是财务压力的机会。在美国,Aflac是自愿/工作场所保险产品的第一大提供商。日本的Aflac人寿保险是日本医疗和癌症保险的领先提供商,它为四分之一的家庭提供了保证。在2021年,Aflac Incorporated很荣幸能够连续第16年被Ethisphere作为世界上最道德的公司之一,这是第21次财富最受尊敬的公司名单,以及道琼斯琼斯的可持续发展北美指数。金博宝怎么注册2021年,Aflac Incorporated也成为负责投资原则(PRI)的签署人,2022年,彭博连续第三年将彭博的性别平等指数包括在内。要了解如何获得费用帮助健康保险的帮助,请在aflac.com或者。投资者可能会了解更多有关Aflac Incorporated及其对ESG和社会责任的承诺的信息Investors.aflac.com在“可持续性金博宝怎么注册。”


The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a "safe harbor" to encourage companies to provide prospective information, so long as those informational statements are identified as forward-looking and are accompanied by meaningful cautionary statements identifying important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those included in the forward-looking statements. The company desires to take advantage of these provisions. This document contains cautionary statements identifying important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected herein, and in any other statements made by company officials in communications with the financial community and contained in documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Forward-looking statements are not based on historical information and relate to future operations, strategies, financial results or other developments. Furthermore, forward-looking information is subject to numerous assumptions, risks and uncertainties. In particular, statements containing words such as "expect," "anticipate," "believe," "goal," "objective," "may," "should," "estimate," "intends," "projects," "will," "assumes," "potential," "target," "outlook" or similar words as well as specific projections of future results, generally qualify as forward-looking. Aflac undertakes no obligation to update such forward-looking statements.


  • 全球资本市场和经济中的困难条件,包括由Covid-19造成的条件
  • 投资的默认和信用降级
  • exposure to significant interest rate risk
  • 日本的业务集中
  • 可接受的日元计时投资有限
  • foreign currency fluctuations in the yen/dollar exchange rate
  • 适用于投资估值的不同判断
  • significant valuation judgments in determination of expected credit losses recorded on the Company's investments
  • 公司的财务实力或债务评级下降
  • decline in creditworthiness of other financial institutions
  • 公司对任何特定单发射或部门的投资集中
  • COVID-19及其变体(已知和新兴)的影响以及任何由此产生的经济影响和政府干预措施,对公司的业务和财务业绩的影响
  • 能够吸引和保留合格的销售伙伴,经纪人,员工和分销合作伙伴
  • deviations in actual experience from pricing and reserving assumptions
  • 能够继续开发和实施信息技术系统的改进
  • 电信,信息技术和其他操作系统的中断,或无法维持驻留在此类系统上的敏感数据的安全性,机密性或隐私性
  • 子公司向母公司支付股息的能力
  • 风险管理政策和程序的固有局限性
  • the operational risks of third party vendors
  • 适用于公司的税率可能会更改
  • 不遵守对保单持有人隐私和信息安全的限制
  • 政府当局的广泛监管和法律或法规的变化
  • competitive environment and ability to anticipate and respond to market trends
  • 灾难性事件,包括但不限于由于气候变化,流行病,大流行病(例如冠状病毒Covid-19),龙卷风,飓风,地震,海啸,战争或其他军事行动,恐怖主义或其他暴力行为,和危害此类事件的危害
  • 保护Aflac品牌和公司声誉的能力
  • ability to effectively manage key executive succession
  • 会计标准的变化
  • 诉讼的水平和结果
  • allegations or determinations of worker misclassification in the United States

分析师和投资者联系 - David A. Young,706.596.3264或800.235.2667或

Media contact - Ines Gutzmer, 762.207.7601

来源Aflac Incorporated