
9月2日,2021年11:25 AM ET
  • 2030年的野心旨在推动集体的更大的公司气候野心和行动,以使整个部门脱碳并防止更多灾难性的全球变暖。
  • Scientists warn without immediate, large-scale emissions reductions, previous targets limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius will be out of reach.

September 2, 2021 /3BL Media/ - Ceres launched a new initiative today aimed at decarbonizing six of the highest-emitting sectors and advancing the global transition to a zero emissions future at the pace and scale necessary in order to prevent further catastrophic impacts from the climate crisis. Last month, the world's leading scientists sounded the alarm that the crisis is widespread, rapid, and intensifying, a warning that underlines the urgency of this effort.

TheCeres Ambition 2030倡议侧重于电力,食品,石油和天然气,钢铁,银行和运输部门,这些部门共同负责全球排放量多达80%。为了达到限制温度升高至不超过1.5摄氏度的集体目标,到2040年或更早之前实现了更公正和包容的经济,必须在北美进行这些部门的转变。

Building on Ceres’ long history of driving corporate climate leadership, the initiative will leverage the power of investors and other stakeholders to deepen engagements with the highest emitting North American companies in each sector. Ambition 2030 is aimed at generating new, more ambitious, and more transparent climate commitments and robust transition action plans — while also holding companies accountable to setting and achieving aggressive interim emissions reductions targets by 2030. Strong individual corporate commitments will spark a competitive cascade among companies in each of the sectors, while the initiative’s emphasis on addressing often-overlooked “Scope 3” indirect emissions will spur action across the full supply and value chains.

“我们的目标是催化集体的更大的公司气候行动,这将足够强大,以引发一系列行动,这些行动将带来最高发射部门的批发变化,并在未来十年稳定我们的快速变暖的气候。”CERES公司清洁能源领导总监Steven Clarke. “As we head into the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), the Ceres Ambition 2030 initiative will begin to foster healthy sectoral competition and ratchet up the corporate ambition, transparency, and accountability to drive the urgent sectoral transformation needed to slow climate change and build a more just and inclusive economy.”

A recently released report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that without immediate, large-scale emissions reductions, the target of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees will be out of reach. The report is an urgent code-red call to the private sector and companies that the time for incremental action has passed, and wholesale action is needed. To this end, Ceres’ new initiative is strategically crafted to build on its successful work in moving companies to commit to climate actions aligned with theCERES路线图2030and the气候行动100+净零公司基准,并驱动整个部门的变化。


  • Transformthe practices and policies of银行业institutions that play a pivotal role in capital markets so they act on climate as a systemic financial risk.
  • 移动electric powercompanies to shift away from fossil-fuel resources and boost deployment of renewable energy, renewable thermal, energy efficiency and EV charging infrastructure.
  • 重塑food industries with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and commodity-driven deforestation.
  • 石油和天然气公司可以减少对化石燃料储量的投资,并将其资本转化为清洁能源。
  • 加速the steel industry toward the use of zero emission technologies, including 100% renewable electricity and green hydrogen.
  • 驾驶车辆部门朝着完全电气化,并将其他运输部门移至零排放,同时倡导确保这种过渡所需的政策。

In all sectors, issues of justice and equity in company value chains, including worker conditions and human rights, will be a critical part of the initiative’s engagements with companies. Companies will also be called on to engage in effective climate policy advocacy consistent with the latest climate science to advance the just and inclusive transition.

Theglobal sector strategies最近由全球最大的投资者参与计划的气候Action 100+发布,为2030年在某些部门的野心工作提供了重要的指导。七月,谷神星发布食物排放50,其行业战略旨在参与北美发货最高的公开交易粮食和农业公司。已要求公司改善温室气体排放披露,设定雄心勃勃的减排目标,并实施可靠的气候过渡计划。


CERES是一个非营利组织,与最有影响力的资本市场领导者合作,以解决世界上最大的可持续发展挑战。金博宝怎么注册通过我们强大的网络以及投资者,公司和非营利组织的全球合作,我们推动行动并激发整个经济中基于公平的市场和政策解决方案,以建立公正和可持续的未来。有关更多信息,请访问ceres.organd follow@ceresnews.