Delta-Simons的高级空气质量顾问,Siobhan Goodman,提供了对损害空气质量差的损害的深入了解,在获取财产时要考虑的事情,并揭示了为什么空气质量应处于您的环境,社会和治理(ESG)策略的顶部。
A Healthy Workplace Environment: What Does This Mean?
90% of our time is spent indoors, yet many people do not consider the health impacts of increased levels of CO2 in the room, or the presence of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), a bi-product of off-gassing from things such as newly bought furniture, paint, perfumes, as well as outdoor pollutants entering the building from sources such as transport, energy supply,灰尘,农业,废物管理或其他空气污染物。
The effects of poor air quality on the human body, both physically and mentally cannot be ignored. Eye irritation, headaches, dizziness, fatigue and inability to concentrate are some of the few subclinical Sickness Building Syndrome (SBS) symptoms that often get attributed to other possible causes. Chronic long term exposure to air pollution, both indoors and outdoors, can lead to more serious diseases such as cardiovascular disease, strokes and a variety of cancers as well as some studies presenting evidence of links to Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.
“Indoor exposure to air pollutants causes very significant damage to health globally[.] Despite this, public health awareness on indoor air pollution has lagged behind that on outdoor air pollution.” -WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality,2010
但是,空气质量差的影响不仅限于人类健康。根据2004年的研究“室内空气质量对性能和生产力的影响’, the effects of poor indoor air quality have a direct impact on performance and productivity. The study states that the data collected from a series of experiments where participants in office buildings were exposed to a variety of air quality levels, that “[t]he size of the effect on most aspects of office work performance appears to be as high as 6-9%[.]”
Negating acknowledgement of the dangers of air pollution and poor air quality (indoor or outdoor) and negating taking action to mitigate the risks is both a short and long term risk we can’t afford.
以英国为例current legal limit英国的PM2.5的数量差不多是WHOrecommends (5 µg/m 3 per annum). The空气质量标准条例2010指出,空气污染PM2.5的浓度不得超过25 µg/m3的年平均水平。尽管政府提供的最新数据表明,对PM2.5毒素的接触显着下降,但当我们考虑世卫组织提出的建议接触水平时,暴露量仍然相对较高。世卫组织指出,估计接触PM2.5与其他主要的全球健康风险(例如不健康的饮食和烟草吸烟)相提并论。尽管空气污染被认为是new second-hand smoke,与室内空气质量有关的英国法规仍然是模糊的。
HSE的Indg244工作场所(健康,安全和福利)法规相关批准的实践守则(ACOP),推测室内空气质量应至少等于,但理想情况比建筑物外的空气质量更好。第6条of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 states: “Effective and suitable provision shall be made to ensure that every enclosed workplace is ventilated by a sufficient quantity of fresh or purified air." The ACOP also states that “The air which is introduced should, as far as possible, be free of any impurity which is likely to be offensive or cause ill health".
Coshh 2002法规涵盖了许多有害物质,工作场所暴露限制(WELS),要求雇主控制对健康有害的工作场所中的物质。Coshh法规指出,需要采取措施来确保内部环境保持良好的空气质量并减少常见的室内空气污染物(例如CO2,NO2和VOC)。但是,像建议的PM2.5水平一样,低于建议的暴露限制并不能使这些物质的暴露安全。
Furthermore, according to the空气质量研究所(IAQM) guidance, places of work, such as offices, are not classified as sensitive receptors. Currently, there is no direct requirement for employers to consider conducting anIndoor Air Quality Assessment, let alone put measures in place to improve current air quality levels. However, every year we, Delta-Simons, are seeing more and more companies incorporate sustainable measures to reduce their impact on air quality. In light of how vague the current guidance is and the levels of exposure not truly combating the issue, one has to ask the question, why?
It could be to mitigate any legal issues relating to the HSE guidance and further, the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and the1984年占领者责任法;“雇主有责任确保提供安全健康的环境”。可能是提高生产率产出并减少工人生病的日子。但是,我相信希望改善室内空气质量的公司背后的动机会更深。
To learn more about the larger picture of air quality, climate change impacts, and operating healthy buildings check out thefull original blog hereon our associate Delta-Simons website.
Air quality regulations are complex and unique to each region and country. Inogen Alliance associates are experts in their individual countries with engineering and regulatory consultants that work with clients to meet air emissions requirements including permitting, reporting, and more. Check out how we can help multinational corporations with our任何位置的空气质量服务188bet上不了。
Inogen Alliance is a global network made up of dozens of independent local businesses and over 5,000 consultants around the world who can help make your project a success. Our Associates collaborate closely to serve multinational corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations, and we share knowledge and industry experience to provide the highest quality service to our clients. If you want to learn more about how you can work with Inogen Alliance, you can explore我们的同事orContact Us。Watch for more新闻和博客更新在这里并跟随我们LinkedIn。