Alcatel-Lucent Mexico Shows Its Magic To The Young Children Of Its Collaborators

Jun 12, 2014 2:50 PM ET

Alcatel-Lucent Mexico Shows Its Magic To The Young Children Of Its Collaborators

Surely your son or daughter have asked you how the place you work is, who are your peers and to take them to the office. For 86 children this came true on May 30th when Alcatel-Lucent Mexico held its first "Open House" to celebrate the International Day of Families. On this occasion, our collaborators invited their children, aged between 6 and 12 years old, who had the opportunity to visit our facilities and learn about the business line. Their interest in science, technology and engineering sparked, while they spent time with their parents right in the place where they work.

The event, organized by Human Resources, was full of activities and amusement, from an interactive play, happening for a scientific rally of knowledge, and up to classes of painting. Both parents and children enjoyed this great opportunity of conviviality offering to Alcatel-Lucent México's families a moment of integration and union. Victoria Duran, HR Director in Mexico tells us: "In HR we believe it is important to link families with the daily work of employees in order to promote a healthy working environment and to reinforce our values through living together."

But not only the kids had fun, the collaborators also had the opportunity to volunteer to care for and guide the children in different tours and to give talks about Alcatel-Lucent activities. "These types of events give us the opportunity to open our professional world to our children and give them a vision of their possibilities to develop in the future, based on the value of a good education and a good balance between work and family life. And to the employees, it reminds us that the most important, and why we come here daily, is for them, our families" , said Alfredo Benitez, Customer Project Manager, who besides being a father, he volunteered during the Open House.

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