All About Battery Storage

All About Battery Storage



CONTENT: Article

杰西卡·威尔斯(Jessica Wells),照明人员作家

The United States has roughly1.7吉瓦电池存储 - 足以存储超过超过的电力540万个太阳能电池板. By 2050, experts predict the country to have 10 times as much.

自2012年以来,杜克能源公司(Duke Energy)一直在使用电池,当时它建立了多个项目,包括什么国家最大的电池在德克萨斯州的一个风电场。从那以后,他们一直在扩展该技术。

The company plans to invest more than $600 million in batteries by 2025, which will help Duke Energy support its growing renewables portfolio as it works to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. By then, the company estimates renewables will be its largest generation source supported by an upgraded grid, natural gas and nuclear power to keep electricity affordable and reliable.

Here’s a look at how batteries work, their history, and their future.

Batteries can store electricity generated from solar panels for use on a cloudy day or from wind turbines for when it’s not so windy, but they also strengthen the grid by providing backup power for remote areas and controlling the flow of electricity in power lines.

As clouds move over solar panels and winds change throughout the day, the amount of electricity generated from renewables varies. This causes swings in voltage and frequency, too. It’s challenging for grid managers because the grid was designed for electricity to match customer demand at all times. A slight change in voltage or frequency can cause a power outage or flickering lights.



有几种类型的电池,但是在最简单的水平上,电池将电能存储为化学能,因此可以在需要时转换并释放。电池有两个电极 - 一侧有一个阳极(正),另一侧具有阴极(负) - 中间有电解质。电极共同发起一个化学反应,以释放电子,而电解质(通常是液体)使最终的电荷在两者之间流动。从那里,电力是通过电线从电池的端子到网格的。

意大利科学家亚历山德罗·沃尔塔(Alessandro Volta)于1800年发明了现代电池。他的发现导致了电化学领域,而电伏特(电力单位)以他的荣誉命名。直到经过多年的研发,直到21世纪,电池才用于公用事业规模的项目。


杜克能源公司(Duke Energy一个位于山内– and is upgrading them so they will be more powerful to support its growing solar portfolio. When upgrades are complete in 2023, Bad Creek Hydroelectric Station will be able to produce about as much energy as some nuclear plants and power more than 1 million homes.


Today, the most widely used battery for utility-scale projects is lithium ion. The cost of lithium ion batteries has fallen 89 percent since 2010. They’re efficient and proven making them a popular choice, but researchers are testing other storage options and battery chemistries that might last longer and be better for the environment.

Last year, Duke Energy announced a study at克莱姆森大学in South Carolina where it is working with Siemens to explore hydrogen energy storage and as a low-carbon fuel source.

The company has also been studying batteries and microgrids at its新兴技术办公室since 2008. Microgrids are systems – usually a combination of renewables and batteries – that allow customers to disconnect from the energy grid and operate on their own. They can provide backup power in remote areas and improve power quality for critical infrastructure like hospitals, first responders or manufacturing facilities.

他们的发现导致了几个州的微电网和网格连接的电池。在北卡罗来纳州,杜克能源公司建造了州最大的电池, a 9-megawatt lithium ion battery at a substation in Asheville, which will help power quality, and a microgrid in theGreat Smoky Mountains National Park这使用太阳能电池板和电池在斯特林山顶上电动通信设备。


Batteries have the potential to enable more renewables in the United States, but experts expect them to become even more valuable as the cost continues to fall and the technology improves. As Duke Energy adds more renewable energy and batteries to its fleet, it will continue to build a diverse generation mix and stronger grid, so its electricity is affordable, reliable and increasingly clean.

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