Christian DiClementi| Lead Portfolio Manager—Emerging Market Debt
帕特里克·奥康奈尔(Patrick O'Connell),CFA| Director—Fixed Income Responsible Investing Research
Christian DiClementi:从ESG的角度来看,我们考虑投资于主权的方式与我们从ESG的角度投资对公司的投资的看法非常一致。显然,每当我们进行新的主权投资时,治理问题都很高。
PO:Can you walk me through a specific example of how ESG materially impacted a country's bonds?
PO:Thanks, Christian, for your insights today. We can clearly see that ESG risks are true credit risks.
本文所表达的观点不构成研究,投资建议或贸易建议,也不一定代表所有AB投资组合管理团队的观点,并且会随着时间的推移进行修订。Alliancebernstein Limited由英国金融行为当局授权和监管。
The views expressed herein do not constitute research, investment advice or trade recommendations and do not necessarily represent the views of all AB portfolio-management teams.
Christian DiClementi是AB的高级副总裁兼首席新兴市场债务投资组合经理。他还是全球固定收益,绝对收益和收入投资组合管理团队的成员,并负责监督AB套件固定收入产品套件的新兴市场投资。Diclementi于2003年加入了该公司。在2013年成为新兴市场债务投资组合管理团队的成员之前,他曾担任AB经济研究小组的成员,主要关注加勒比海,中美洲和拉丁美洲美国的主权基础研究地区。此前,Diclemeni在公司的定量研究小组中担任分析师,重点是全球主权回报和风险建模,以及负责市政债券投资组合的副投资组合经理。他拥有Fairfield大学的数学学士学位(优异)。地点:纽约
帕特里克·奥康奈尔(Patrick O'Connell),CFAis a Senior Vice President and Director of Fixed Income Responsible Investing Research. In this role, he is part of the leadership team that develops responsible investment strategy across AB's Fixed Income business, particularly related to integrating environmental, social and governance considerations throughout the team's research and engagement. Previously, O'Connell served as a corporate credit research analyst, focusing on emerging-market corporates in Latin American and African countries. He joined the Emerging Markets research team in 2013 after working as a credit analyst covering US high-yield energy credits at AB. Prior to joining the firm in 2012, O'Connell was a desk analyst at UBS Investment Bank, where he helped to allocate capital on the trading desk. He holds a BS in accounting and finance (magna cum laude) from Villanova University and is a CFA charterholder. Location: New York