The Allstate Foundation Funds $45 Million Effort to Empower Youth and Achieve Critical Mass

The Allstate Foundation Funds $45 Million Effort to Empower Youth and Achieve Critical Mass

女演员和Allstate Foundation Good开始了年轻的大使Monique Coleman和演员Lonnie Chavis邀请未来的领导者踏上具有理想的铭文的基座,鼓励青年今天在10月17日在10月17日在国家购物中心发展批判性的社交和情感学习(SEL)技能,成为领导者2018年在华盛顿特区。(tasos katopodis/gettate for Allstate Foundation摄影的照片Young)

女演员和Allstate Foundation Good开始了年轻的大使Monique Coleman和演员Lonnie Chavis邀请未来的领导者踏上具有理想的铭文的基座,鼓励青年今天在10月17日在10月17日在国家购物中心发展批判性的社交和情感学习(SEL)技能,成为领导者2018年在华盛顿特区。(tasos katopodis/gettate for Allstate Foundation摄影的照片Young)

2018年10月17日,星期三 - 上午8:00

CONTENT: Press Release

NORTHBROOK, Ill., Oct. 17, 2018/3BL Media/- Allstate基金会今天宣布了为期五年,4500万美元的承诺,以授权数百万年轻人建立社会和情感学习技能,例如韧性,自我意识和解决冲突。Allstate董事长,总裁兼首席执行官汤姆·威尔逊(Tom Wilson)说:“通过利用他们的才能和激情来赋予年轻人的能力。”“我们相信这些技能将激发青年成为领导者和历史创造者,并发挥其全部潜力。”到2022年,Allstate Foundation致力于领导社会和情感学习计划的25%,以实现社会和情感学习计划,届时它将投资近7000万美元。

Research shows social and emotional learning skills result in immediate and long-term improvements in educational achievements and are a better predictor of success and well-being than academic aptitude alone.1To bring awareness to the importance of social and emotional learning and drive increased demand for programs that enable youth to build those skills, The Allstate Foundation is lining the National Mall in Washington D.C. with monument-like pedestals with aspirational inscriptions such as “Farmer to End World Hunger,” “Teacher to Solve Global Illiteracy,” and “Architect to Eliminate Homelessness.” The campaign illustrates how developing critical social and emotional skills today, can lead to a brighter future tomorrow.

在Allstate Foundation的帮助下,年轻的大使,女演员和青年倡导者莫妮克·科尔曼(Monique Coleman)和演员朗尼·查维斯(Lonnie Chavis),鼓励青年人加入启发他们,拍摄照片并分享他们今天如何学习领导才能明天留下自己的印记的基座通过#goodstartsyoung的社交媒体。

“我很幸运能够从小就开始发展社交和情感学习能力 - 我得到了帮助。这些技能不仅帮助我成为一名更好的女演员,而且还帮助了一个更好的人。“我很荣幸能加入Allstate基金会,以及像Lonnie Chavis这样的年轻,新兴的才华,为关键技能的重要性带来了急需的认识,这些技能将有助于青年实现个人成功并明天产生影响。”

The Allstate Foundation Good Starts Young pedestals lining the National Mall in Washington, D.C. are available to the public through Sunday, October 21.

As part of The Allstate Foundation’s Good Starts Young national campaign, youth across the country can access custom Snapchat and Facebook lenses that turn them into a statue-like bust, featuring a title that captures their ultimate leadership goal Youth can share their customized photo with friends, family members and others to empower each other to be history-makers – and start talking about and building social and emotional learning skills today.

In 2017, Allstate Foundation-supported programs provided more than 2 million youth with the guidance and resources they need to master critical social and emotional learning competencies. Through its Good Starts Young program, the Foundation helps provide youth with access to programs that enable these skills, and ultimately realize their full potential and achieve success in life. The programs, available to parents, teachers and others across the country by several of the Foundation’s nonprofit partners, include:

To learn more about The Allstate Foundation’s mission to prepare today’s youth for the future and build our next generation of leaders, visitGoodStartsYoung.organd follow along on social media (Facebook,推特,Instagram).

Good Start Young是Allstate Foundation的签名计划,Allstate Foundation是由Allstate Corporation的子公司建立的独立,慈善组织。Allstate基金会致力于建立更繁荣的社区,在这些社区中,人们有能力通过激发下一代领导人,打破家庭暴力的周期,缩小非营利性领导力差距并尊重Allstate志愿者,以实现自己的希望和梦想。更多信息可在

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1Citation: DePaoli, J.L., Atwell, M.N. and Bridgeland, J. (2017). Ready to Lead: A National Principal Survey on How Social and Emotional Learning Can Prepare Children and Transform Schools. Civic Enterprises with Hart Research Associates. A Report for CASEL.