Elways®与Jameela Jamil和国际论文联手倡导系统性解决方案,以帮助最终的贫困

Elways®与Jameela Jamil和国际论文联手倡导系统性解决方案,以帮助最终的贫困

在月经卫生日之前,始终在山上集会盟友,以支持国会女王格蕾丝·孟(Grace Meng Meng)的月经平等,这将有助于有助于系统地结束美国的贫困。
two lines of people assemble bags of period products

活动与会者包500个时期产品套件将捐赠给当地社区以帮助#endperiodpoverty(照片:Ian Wagreich)188bet网址怎么打不开

活动与会者包500个时期产品套件将捐赠给当地社区以帮助#endperiodpoverty(照片:Ian Wagreich)188bet网址怎么打不开

Friday, May 27, 2022 - 1:00pm

CAMPAIGN:p&g| Community Impact


WASHINGTON, May 27, 2022 /3BL Media/ - Always, the leader in global menstrual care, and International Paper, the leading global supplier of renewable fiber-based products, are partnering to drive systemic solutions to help #EndPeriodPoverty. In the lead up to Menstrual Hygiene Day, on May 28, they organized an event in Washington D.C. to support Congresswoman Grace Meng’s Menstrual Equity for All Act. This bill would ensure that all young people have access to free period products at school, so that no one would have to miss out because of their period.

Lack of access to period protection is often known as period poverty – and it affects people all around the world, even in the most economically developed countries. Here in the U.S., nearly 1 in 5 girls have missed school because they didn’t have access to period products1

Since the launch of Always’ #EndPeriodPoverty program in 2018, Always has donated over 160 million period products to people in need around the world, including more than 50 million in the U.S., in partnership with organizations like Feeding America®, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization. While donations can help people stay in school and improve confidence, donations alone cannot resolve period poverty as poverty itself is a systemic issue. The stigma surrounding periods can also make matters worse, preventing those affected from voicing their needs, and preventing potential solutions from being widely discussed and implemented. While several U.S. states have increased action to help #EndPeriodPoverty, 56% of society believe they should be doing more to provide free products to those who need them2。如果通过,国会女议员格蕾丝·孟(Grace Meng)的月经平等将有助于美国各地

国会女议员格蕾丝·孟(Grace Meng)(D-NY)说:“我们全国数百万人无法获得时期产品,因此被迫放弃教育或就业机会。”“当我们在5月28日庆祝月经卫生日时,我敦促包括立法者在内的所有人都支持我的月经平等。这是解决这个问题的第一种全部政府方法,将有助于消除时期贫困问题。”

为了进一步帮助提高人们对全国各个时期贫困流行的认识,并激励整个社会支持该法案,始终与女演员和激进主义者贾米拉·贾米尔(Jameela Jamil)合作,他们在华盛顿特区举行的活动中谈到了这一问题 - 观看here

“由于缺乏获得期间产品的机会,我很震惊地得知大约350万女孩在美国错过了上学3。那太多了。当人们无法使用期间产品时,他们不仅没有受到保护,而且还使他们的信心,尊严和教育处于危险之中。” Jameela Jamil说。“我很自豪能够始终与他们合作,并支持他们帮助#endperiodpoverty的使命。我鼓励大家加入我们的支持,以支持所有行为,以帮助使年轻人上学。”To help, you can contact your elected officialshereand ask them to show their support for the Act.

“Always has been championing young people’s confidence for more than 35 years, through puberty & confidence education, providing access to period products and driving societal change,” said Melissa Suk, Vice President of North America Feminine Care at Procter & Gamble. “When I entered puberty, I remember my own confidence shaken as I was unsure of what was going on in my body – wondering what products to use and feeling too embarrassed to even talk about it. Today, as a mother of a 6-year-old daughter, I am motivated to do more so she can enter puberty feeling supported and educated. To make this change for the next generation, collaboration and alliances with individuals and organizations who share the same mission will play a critical role in helping solve period poverty. We are thrilled to support Congresswoman Grace Meng’s bill and continue our partnership with International Paper and Feeding America as part of our ongoing commitment to bring about change so that lack of period protection doesn’t stand in the way of education and confidence ever again.”

To help address the ongoing need for period products, Always and International Paper – alongside congressional staff and Feeding America – hosted an event in Washington D.C. on May 12 to discuss period poverty, while packing 500 kits with period products to be given to the local community. Always, with the support of Jameela Jamil, will also be donating an additional 1 million pads to the Feeding America network of food banks. In addition, International Paper will hold more than 45 packing events throughout the year at its facilities across the globe.



11000 U.S. females, 16-24 y.o., Research Now ‘17
31000 U.S. females, 16-24 y.o., Research Now ’17 & U.S. 2016 Census


Always®, the world's leader in menstrual protection, offers a wide range of pads, wipes and liners designed to fit different body types, period flows and preferences. For over 35 years, Always has been supporting millions of young people globally through puberty and confidence education, providing products to those in need and tackling societal barriers to girls’ confidence. Together, Always believes we can create a world where neither periods nor gender get in the way of young people reaching their full potential. Please visitwww.always.com了解更多信息。

About International Paper

国际论文(NYSE:IP)是基于可再生纤维产品的全球领先供应商。我们生产可保护和推广商品的瓦楞纸产品,并促进全球贸易,以及用于尿布,组织和其他个人护理产品的果肉,以促进健康和保健。总部位于田纳西州孟菲斯,我们在全球范围内雇用约38,000名同事。我们为全球客户提供服务,并在北美,拉丁美洲,北非和欧洲提供制造业务。2021年的净销售额为194亿美元。其他信息可以通过访问International Paper.com找到。


FeedingAmerican®是美国最大的饥饿组织。通过由200多家食品银行,21个全州食品银行协会以及60,000多个合作伙伴机构,食品储藏室和餐饮计划组成的网络,我们帮助去年为数千万有需要的人提供了66亿餐。喂养美国还支持防止粮食浪费并改善我们服务人民的粮食安全的计划;引起人们对社会和系统性障碍的关注,这些障碍会导致我们国家的粮食不安全感;并提倡保护人们免于饥饿的立法。访问www.feedingamerica.org, find us onFacebook或跟随我们Twitter

Charlotte LeFlufy
+41 79 449 13 36
