一年前AMD宣布25 x20的倡议目标达到25 x典型能源效率改进我们的apu(加速处理单元)到2020年,从2014年的基础。能源效率一直是AMD的产品设计目标,和爆炸的计算设备和能力在过去的20年里,AMD的路径是专注于能源和环境足迹的计算。能源效率的比率计算完成的工作(即性能)消耗多少能量完成那项工作。
最近推出了第六代a系列APU,以前代号为“卡里佐,“轻薄笔记本电脑是一个很好的例子公司的承诺。卡里佐提供下完美使用能源效率的两倍多的“Kaveri”一代的AMD APU,而且除了优越的计算性能提供了电池寿命的两倍多。优越的图形和视频回放,”卡里佐”提供特殊经历前所未有的主流笔记本电脑。
而AMD有更多来完成,“卡里佐”把公司的节能趋势线之前需要达到25 x20的!未来节能收益将继续来自架构,新的电路设计,电源管理技术。了解更多关于“卡里佐的”,迈向25 x20的贡献看AMD的视频或深入的技术细节在globalfoundries 2015。
为AMD的创造低功耗的产品不仅是良好的业务和客户,是对环境有益。一年前AMD做出了重要承诺实现特定目标在我们的产品和与他们的第六代A系列取得了重大进展。行业会持续改进能源效率的AMD处理器——apu,离散cpu和gpu,未来几年的设计创新体现在25 x20的倡议。
本新闻稿中包含前瞻性陈述关于高级微设备公司,有限公司(“公司”),包括公司的能力继续创新能源效率的改善速度达到或超过其25 x的目标到2020年;期望节能收益的大部分将来自架构,新的电路设计,和电源管理技术;公司的能力继续提高处理器的能源效率在未来几年通过其设计创新体现在其25 x20的倡议;是按照安全港1995年私人证券诉讼改革法案》的规定。前瞻性陈述通常由词如“会”,“可能”,“期望”,“相信”,“计划”,“计划”,“项目”,和其他方面有相似的意思。投资者警告称,这个新闻稿的前瞻性陈述是基于当前的信仰,假设和期望,只讲之日起本文档,涉及风险和不确定因素,可能导致实际结果不同物质从目前的预期。风险包括英特尔公司的微处理器市场的主导地位和其积极的业务实践可能会限制有效AMD的竞争能力;AMD依赖GF制造大多数的微处理器和APU产品和特定的GPU和semi-custom产品。如果女朋友不能满足生产需求,AMD的业务可能不利影响;,AMD依赖第三方制造自己的产品,如果他们无法做到及时足量和使用的竞争技术,AMD的业务可能是实质性不利影响; failure to achieve expected manufacturing yields for AMD's products could negatively impact its financial results; the success of its business is dependent upon its ability to introduce products on a timely basis with features and performance levels that provide value to its customers while supporting and coinciding with significant industry transitions; if AMD cannot generate sufficient revenue and operating cash flow or obtain external financing, it may face a cash shortfall and be unable to make all of its planned investments in research and development or other strategic investments; that AMD may not be able to successfully implement its business strategy to refocus its business to address markets beyond AMD's core PC market to high-growth adjacent markets; the completion and impact of the 2014 restructuring plan and its transformation initiatives could adversely affect AMD; global economic uncertainty may adversely impact AMD's business and operating results; AMD may not be able to generate sufficient cash to service its debt obligations or meet its working capital requirements; AMD has a substantial amount of indebtedness which could adversely affect its financial position and prevent it from implementing its strategy or fulfilling its contractual obligations; the agreements governing AMD's notes and its amended and restated senior secured asset based line of credit for a principal amount up to $500 million (Secured Revolving Line of Credit) impose restrictions on AMD that may adversely affect AMD's ability to operate its business; the markets in which AMD's products are sold are highly competitive; and the loss of a significant customer may have a material adverse effect on it. Investors are urged to review in detail the risks and uncertainties in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to AMD's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 28, 2015.