
7月8日,2021年2:30 PM ET

最初由Weconnect International出版

Weconnect International在国家LGBTQ商会(NGLCC)和残疾人的支持下:自豪地宣布2021年全球十大全球供应商多样性和包容性冠军。This ranking, now in its third year, is the only one of its kind in which some of the world’s largest corporations are recognized for having demonstrated a commitment to global diversity and inclusion by sourcing from diverse suppliers including minority-, women-, LGBTQ- and disabled-owned businesses around the world.

获奖者在10分钟的虚拟“ 10中十名”现场颁奖典礼上宣布,默克队今年宣布排名第一。完整排名在这里:

  1. 默克
  2. 凯利服务188bet上不了
  3. IBM
  4. 埃森哲
  5. 约翰逊和约翰逊
  6. 宝洁
  7. 英特尔
  8. 福特
  9. 兰德斯塔德
