Anvil Knitwear在2011年CSR进度报告中引入水足迹金博宝手机版网页


(3BL Media / The金博宝手机版网页csrfeed)纽约,纽约 - 2011年12月14日 - Anvil Knitwear发行了2011 金博宝手机版网页CSR进度报告该公司指出,美国服装公司每磅成品T恤面料减少了水,蒸汽和用电量。该进度报告涵盖了Anvil 2010财年的运营,还强调了Anvil针织服装的生产用水量减少了10%,垃圾填埋场降低了25%。

该进度报告的亮点是Anvil的第一个产品水足迹,它表明,与在纺织品制造过程中消耗的水相比,在农业生产过程中,在农业生产过程中消耗的大多数水发生在农业过程中。Anvil执行副总裁兼可持续性负责人Caterina Conti说:“利用Anvil针织服装的第一个水足迹评估的结果,我们正在研究纤维多样化和可持续性记分卡,考虑到水在我们的农业供应链中的影响。”金博宝怎么注册产品水足迹还发现,实际上并未消耗Anvil生产设施中使用的大多数水。相反,它被返回到采购的同一流域。此外,由于砧座在水丰富的区域生产,砧座纺织品加工过程中的用水对水的剥夺产生最小的影响。尽管Anvil在其可持续性努力方面取得了许多进步,但生产的增加35%,20金博宝怎么注册10年产品组合的变化导致该公司的排放量高于上一年。Conti补充说:“ Anvil Knitwear致力于制定新的,更具创新的策略来减少我们的环境足迹,尤其是当我们扩大生产以满足消费者对Anvil Tees的需求时。”对去年砧的进度的进一步见解包括:储蓄:砧的纺织设施今年使用的水减少了10% - 相当于节省估计的6000万加仑,这是由于染料/漂白食谱的变化和冷却的重新使用而导致的水。Anvil仍在努力寻找在整个生产过程中使用和重复使用水的新方法,并设定了将每单位水减少20%到2020年的目标。大量废物减少:Anvil减少了将近25的垃圾填埋场废物的总量 percent due to greater recycling efforts in all facilities, surpassing last year's target of a 5 percent reduction. The company set a new goal to achieve a zero landfilled waste stream by fiscal 2020. Anvil Knitwear's 2010 GHG Emissions Footprint: Anvil reported an annualized emission equivalent of 59,357 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents, up from the 42,523 metric tons reported in 2009. This 32 percent increase in company emissions is due to higher production, a change in product mix to a higher percentage of dyed t-shirts (which utilize approximately twice the energy and three times the water than bleached shirts) and an increase in outgoing deliveries as the result of expanded complete scope two reporting in 2010 for delivery emissions. Anvil's 2011 CSR Progress Report also highlights expanded initiatives and improved KPIs in its labor, supply chain, human rights and society impacts, including the results of a self-assessment under the Calvert Women's Principles, which it adopted in 2010. In the 2011 CSR Progress Report, Anvil fully reported on all core and actual performance indicator questions, self-declaring Application Level A. The reporting framework used is based upon the Global Reporting Initiative's G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and the Apparel and Footwear Sector Supplement pilot. The progress report is a follow-up to Anvil Knitwear's 2010 CSR Report that was recognized as Best First Time Report by Ceres and the Association for Charted Certified Accountants (ACCA).
Anvil Knitwear,Inc。是一个世纪的服装品牌,是可持续服装行业的领导者,其Anvilorganic®,AnvilreCycled®和AnvilSustable®品牌。在过去三年中,Anvilorganic®通过纺织品交易所在全球十大最大的有机计划中排名。Anvil Knitwear收到了其2010年发表在CERES和特许认证会计协会(ACCA)赞助的北美竞赛中的首次企业社会金博宝手机版网页责任报告(ACCA)。有关更多信息,请访问


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