Arbor Day Foundation很高兴分享其2019年的年度报告

Arbor Day Foundation很高兴分享其2019年的年度报告

2019年12月3日星期二 - 上午8:00




种植树木是乔木日基金会的核心。这就是我们一直在做的。我们在美国在美国和世界各地种植和关心树木和森林的五十年。我们以伟大的目的地种植它们。因为那些树木和森林的受益者是人们。在实现我们在创造全球识别和使用树木作为全球问题的解决方案的信任领导者的愿景时,已经清楚地清楚地对人们产生了很大影响。树木改变了人们的生命。知道我们在这种变化中发挥作用是谦卑和令人振奋的。今年,甚至比其他人更多,我很高兴分享我们的12个月的成就。它已经是一年的第一款,一年的成长年份和一年的树木以前达到的鳞片种植。 All to help solve the global challenges facing humankind. In this report, you will find an update on our newly launched Time for Trees® initiative — a tree planting movement dedicated to restoring forests, building communities, and inspiring tree planters. You will read stories of hope and new beginnings that start with trees. You will see new programs designed specifically to engage more people in planting, nurturing, and celebrating trees. And you will gain a better understanding of why this work is so important. Thanks to dedicated members and partners, we simply have never been in a stronger or better position to make an impact on the future of humankind. I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together in the coming year. With deepest gratitude,


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Danny Cohn.