Are You Mindful When Unwrapping a Bar of Chocolate?

by Ruth Smith
Jan 31, 2023 2:45 PM ET
A row of five chocolates on a wood surface.

Were you mindful when unwrapping a bar of chocolate during your favourite Christmas movie?
This question is slightly misleading - I’m not interrogating consumption levels, but rather focusing on the packaging wrapped around your moments of indulgence. While the rustling sound of unwrapping a chocolate bar is satisfying to the senses, the negative impact packaging waste inflicts on the planet is catastrophic.


Here are four chocolate manufacturers who are leading the way by demonstrating how packaging innovations and improved systems can strike sweet success without being detrimental to the planet.

1. Mars Wrigley
近年来,随着公司努力与利益相关者需求一致的系统性变化,近年来,火星的可持续发展团队的工作要多于休息金博宝怎么注册或为可持续发展团队比赛。Mars Wrigley最近成为揭开其纸包装的头条新闻,这将是明年4月推出时可回收的,这标志着原始塑料包装纸的结尾。

The move will see Mars, Snickers and Milky Way bars encased in paper packaging, a goal which has been three years in the making, to reduce single-use plastic.

Once the transition is fully implemented, Mars Wrigley predicts it will remove 360 tonnes of plastic from its value chain, which, if stretched out, is the equivalent of flying from Melbourne to London and back.

Now if only it stretched all the way to Mars…




Responsible for brands such as Cadbury, Milka, Green & Black’s and Toblerone, the company is currently on track to achieve 100 per cent recyclable packaging by 2025.


Last year the company announced Cadbury Dairy Milk would be committed to using 30 per cent recycled plastic throughout the UK and Ireland, which will see more than 28 million sharing bars more sustainably wrapped by the end of this year.

Mondelēz has also committed to more than £215m investment in sustainability initiatives for its plastic products.

Tony’s Chocolonely started making great strides in the sustainability of its cocoa supply since its inception in 2005, by only operating in Ghana and Ivory Coast to protect the communities against slave labour.


The Dutch company has also ensured its packaging protects its smaller Tiny Tony’s chocolates as well as the environment, via collaboration with paper expert Sappi.

这些小袋是与萨皮(Sappi)进行头脑风暴的结果,萨皮(Sappi)在选择萨皮警卫自然女士(Sappi Guard Nature MS)之前花费了八个月的时间来监督该过程,因为其基于纸张和可热的屏障纸。

尽管这些步骤与快速消费品部门相距甚远,但尽管有快速过渡的紧迫性,但进展仍然很慢。金博宝怎么注册当我们目睹主要的制药公司挥舞新开发的疫苗以阻止Covid-19-19-nation Covid-19时,可持续性和气候议程在大流行期间被放在后燃烧器上。

If the same attention was lavished on implementing the systemic change necessary to combat the climate crisis and leverage innovative partnerships for more robust solutions, the plastic crisis would have a solid chance of losing the war against pollution. However, this outcome cannot be sugar-coated as time is of the essence and more companies still need to be held accountable for their processes.

Ruth Smith is a Consultant – Sustainable Business at Acre UK, specialising in the food and beverage space. During her time at Acre, Ruth has focused on the full lifecycle of sustainability roles and skillsets for companies such as Finlay’s, Marine Stewardship Council, Greene King and Compassion in World Farming. Ruth’s team has placed roles such as the Sustainability Reporting Manager for Greene King and Head of Sustainability and Climate Change Manager for Finlay’s, to address the pressing issues in animal welfare, food sustainability and agricultural supply chain improvements.


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