经过Niklas Heuveldop总裁兼首席执行官,爱立信北美
情况变得越来越可怕:气候变化是人们,野生动植物和地球面临的最大威胁之一。解决这一危机需要改变我们的心态和改变地球的习惯。电信行业可以通过在所有行业进行加速的数字化转型来产生重大影响。到目前为止,我们所取得的成就只是冰山一角,爱立信北美总裁兼首席执行官尼克拉斯·休夫多普(Niklas Heuveldop)分享了他的思考。
正如任何工程师或科学家所知道的,在复杂的系统中,问题如何 - 以及谁可以通过谁进行构成不同。我们的星球无疑是最复杂的系统之一。人类面临的挑战部分在于在我们地球的生存周围产生新的想法,同时也避免了围绕其性质和目的的旧思想。我们的心态是我们在哪些方向以及多快的方向上取得多少进展的关键参与者。
这最近的新闻在驱动变化的紧迫性下,北极的变暖要快得多。极端热量,野火和洪水迫使政策,商业和个人行动,也许最重要的是我们自己的心态。毫无疑问,这不仅是聆听科学的时刻 - 这也是一个人类的时刻:彼此倾听,聚在一起,面对正在发生的事情并在我们星球前进的道路上达成共识的时刻。
Interestingly, the science being done in the name of climate action isn’t just about new technologies such as renewables. Research is also taking place around how we think about the issue and how what we think determines how we act. Human thought and interaction also form a complex and rarely predictable system – just think about the unfolding human experiment that is social media.
随着情况变得更加可怕,围绕气候的讨论也越来越多。研究由学者进行的研究Christine Wamslerand others at the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies highlights the importance of how we think about the problems before us. Changing how we think about our planet is just as critical as building new sustainable technologies. Our mindset influences how we approach problems, and also how we influence other people to adopt new ways of thinking about climate action.
耶鲁大学计划的研究人员Climate Change Communication实际上,已经将公众归为六个部分,围绕着他们对气候变化的态度:令人震惊,关心,谨慎,脱离,怀疑和不屑一顾。从2009年到2019年,那些惊慌失措的比例增加了一倍,而那些谨慎,怀疑和不屑一顾的人缩小了。对企业采取气候行动的期望继续增加,员工,股东和监管机构。
我们的行业可能仅占全球二氧化碳排放的约1.4%,但是我们看到了跨技术提供商和网络运营商采取公司气候行动的强大合作 - 这一对话也得到了强烈的促进GSMA,我们的全球贸易协会。更重要的是,我们的行业有可能通过在整个行业进行加速的数字转型来减少全球二氧化碳排放量的15%以上。
Ericsson has always taken a science-based and collaborative approach towards climate change and we have been making steady progress towards our goal ofNet Zero到2030年,到2040年,我们自己的活动中的排放量。我们可以做很多事情:我们自己的研究表明,信息和通信技术行业只需切换到可再生能源,就可以将其碳足迹减少80%。
我们通过引入智能能源管理解决方案,利用锂离子电池来减少对柴油发电机的依赖性,从而扩展到高峰利用过程中的公共公用电网,我们看到了进一步的潜力。为了开拓可持续未来的野心,我们正在基于5G,XR,AI和数字双胞胎,例如,改变我们自己在我们的行动USA 5G Smart Factory in Texas。迄今为止,我们的进步导致世界经济论坛认可我们的工厂在第四次工业革命中成为全球领先者,并授予该地点的享有声望Global Lighthouse指定以表彰我们在现场部署下一代技术及其后续影响。
In approaching the fundamental question of “what is to be done” about climate change, it is our mindset that will help shape the outcome. Viewed through that lens, the work we are doing as a company in the name of “Imagine Possible” is so much more than an aspirational phrase – it represents a very real and desirable shift in how we view the problems we are facing as human beings.
Like it or not, money is an indicator of the value we place on something. The sheer size of the funding appropriated for the United States climate programs indicates a shift in the value governments and, by extension, their citizens place on our planet and ensuring its sustainable future, which is very encouraging to see.
Markets and investors will respond according to the additional certainty that both private sector and government funding represents. There are increasing signals to the market that we are adopting a long-term view in addressing climate change, which is clearly fundamental for driving exponential climate action and protecting ourselves and our planet for generations to come.