Arrow Electronics在科罗拉多落基山脉开幕日庆祝庆祝活动的女童子军

Arrow Electronics在科罗拉多落基山脉开幕日庆祝庆祝活动的女童子军

2022年4月19日,星期二 - 下午12:45


DENVER, April 19, 2022 /3BL Media/ – Arrow Electronics teamed with the Colorado Rockies to honor four high-achieving Girl Scouts during the season’s Opening Day celebration April 8. The Rockies recognized the girls during pre-game ceremonies and allowed one of the honorees – 17-year-old Genesis Rodriguez - to throw a first pitch as part of the festivities.


八岁的雷切尔·佩蒂(Rachel Petty)因其创业而获得认可。Petty在女童军饼干计划中出售了6,000箱饼干,并在科罗拉多州获得了顶级饼干卖家的头衔。在为期六周的竞选活动中,她每天在放学后每天挨家挨户卖饼干,并且每个周末都在饼干摊位工作。

女童子军哈达·拉欣(Hada Rahin)还经营自己的饼干业务 - 考虑到塔利班(Taliban)仅六个月前塔利班(Taliban)控制了该国之后,她和她的家人逃离了阿富汗。这位八岁的男孩在喀布尔机场的轰炸中受了重伤,在她康复时在医院度过了几个月的时间与家人分开。拉欣(Rahin)适应新家时,她188bet网址怎么打不开在当地部队中找到了社区。

Eliana Mertens是一名12岁的女童军童子军,尽管她在路易斯维尔(Louisville)失去了家园,但他在路易斯维尔(Louisville),但仍在与她的部队和阿伯(Arbor Day)基金会合作,以取代1,800棵树自然灾害以及其他本地植被。

科罗拉多州首席执行官Leanna Clark的女孩童子军说:“我们为这些女孩童子军所取得的成就和感激而感到自豪。


Arrow Electronics指导了220,000多个领先的技术制造商和服务提供商的创新。Arrow凭借2021美元的销售额为340亿美元,开发了改善业务和日常生活的技术解决方案。了解更多信息

女童子军将他们的梦想与生命的共同努力,共同建立了一个更美好的世界。 Through programs from coast to coast, Girl Scouts of all backgrounds and abilities can be unapologetically themselves as they discover their strengths and rise to meet new challenges—whether they want to climb to the top of a tree or the top of their class, lace up their boots for a hike or advocate for climate justice, or make their first best friends. Backed by trusted adult volunteers, mentors, and millions of alums, Girl Scouts lead the way as they find their voices and make changes that affect the issues most important to them. To join us, volunteer, reconnect, or donate,。 
