在卡拉的贫瘠的附近科皮亚波罗哈斯莫拉莱斯和她的邻居住在智利北部,当地称为campamento, vista是暗淡。但莫拉莱斯和她的家人的前景是光明的。她有管理,通过勤奋和努力,找到一份好工作和追求更高的教育。很快,她和她的家人将利用一个新的住房项目,看到他们离开贫民窟。
一个六岁的女儿的单身母亲,25岁的莫拉莱斯曾努力从贫困包围着她。她和她的邻居们很快将进入全新的联排别墅,作为阿塔卡马承诺的一部分,建立一个创新伙伴关系巴里克和一群智利非政府组织和政府机构。莫拉莱斯的天在6:40开始,经常在午夜结束,当她从大学步行回家类。莫拉莱斯是她第二年工商管理研究,希望主修金融。之间,她让女儿上学,有一个全职的工作作为一个农业技术员。很长一段时间,她羞于向同事和她居住的同事因为很多人campamentos毒品和有组织犯罪联系起来。她说,“很难生活在这些无法无天的住处,因为有些人的心态,几十年来一直生活在贫困之中,有时几代人。”她描述了家庭暴力的场面,毒品问题,和简单的人放弃了他们的梦想。莫拉莱斯回忆说,在她的童年,她的母亲克劳迪娅有时身无分文、在街头徘徊,一度生活在一座桥。现在她是克劳迪娅最伟大的冠军。“重要的是,我获得了技术学位,由于提供的毅力和支持我的母亲,谁是一个非常确定的女人,”莫拉莱斯说。 “She takes care of my child while I study and work. She helps me in everything, even supporting me financially with the very modest money she makes. She has been critical to me and I have not quit my studies because of her.” Morales adds, “It is extremely hard for young and working mothers, as it is difficult to be with our children, because you are trying to move ahead and leave these living conditions, but you do not have time for them.” She and her family, which includes five siblings, have lived in a tumbledown dwelling in Copiapo for 10 years. They are part of a group of 700 families who will move into new housing as part of the “Renacer” or “rebirth” program sponsored by Chile’s Ministry of Housing, A Roof for Chile (Un Techo para Chile), and Barrick. The desire to eliminate the hazardous conditions associated with the Copiapo slums is a large part of the rationale for the housing component of the Atacama Commitment, moving families living in poverty to new homes in safer neighborhoods. Announced in late 2008, the Atacama Commitment is a unique alliance with eight Chilean NGOs, the UN Global Compact and government partners. The Atacama Region of northern Chile is home to some of the country’s poorest communities. Barrick’s goal is to make a sustainable difference for people in this region, where the company’s Pascua-Lama and Cerro Casale projects are located.阅读更多:BarrickBeyondBorders.com 关于巴里克巴里克黄金公司是一个总部位于多伦多的黄金矿业公司和行业领导者,26操作矿山的投资组合,项目五大洲。巴里克在多伦多和纽约股票交易所和交易在全世界雇佣了25000人。2010年,巴里克的全球经济贡献地方、区域和国家经济的东道国总计大约97亿美元。该公司一直排名作为世界领导人在社会和环境责任由道琼斯可持续发展指数连续第四年。金博宝怎么注册巴里克也在纳斯达克上市的全球100强公司的可持续发展指数。金博宝怎么注册BARR17926