AT&T将通过与Nextera Energy Resources的子公司(全球最大的可再生能源项目运营商Nextera Energy Resources的子公司达成协议)购买520兆瓦(MW)。这些交易共同构成了美国最大的企业可再生能源购买之一*这也是我们的关键组成部分目标为了开发和利用技术解决方案,到2025年,碳储蓄能够是我们运营的占地面积的10倍。
220 MW of power will come from the Minco V Wind Farm located in Caddo County, Oklahoma. 300 MW will come from a wind farm in Webb and Duval Counties in Texas. The projects are expected to generate savings equivalent to taking 350,595 passenger vehicles off the road or providing electricity for a quarter million homes a year.**
AT&T运营总裁Scott Mair说:“作为世界上最大的公司之一,我们知道我们的能源如何很重要。”“许多公司都专注于自己的碳足迹,但我们相信我们的行业可以做更多的事情。我们已经工作了很长时间,以确保我们的风能为我们的业务和环境提供服务。我们将继续探索可再生能源解决方案,以帮助创造一个更好,更可持续的世界。”
作为购买的一部分,我们还签署了公司可再生能源购买者的原则。The group is led by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and is made up of large energy buyers working to spur progress on renewable energy and fulfil their increased demand for it. AT&T is also a member of the Business Renewables Center, an initiative that, along with the Buyers’ Principles, forms part of the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance.
世界野生动物基金会可再生能源和气候高级总监马蒂·斯皮策(Marty Spitzer)表示:“ AT&T决定扩大其对可再生能源的使用,这表明了公司需求驱动能源市场的力量不断增长。”“确定重大承诺的大公司是推动我们国家向清洁能源未来过渡的关键。AT&T正在加入可再生能源是新常态的公司行列。”
“We’re proud to work with AT&T to achieve one of the largest U.S. corporate renewable energy purchases,” said Mike O’Sullivan, senior vice president of development, NextEra Energy Resources. “It’s clear that renewable energy presents a tremendous opportunity to power America’s companies with clean, affordable electricity and AT&T is helping to lead the way forward. Renewable projects like these also drive growth in rural communities, creating good jobs, providing additional revenue and generating positive economic impact.”
The large-scale renewable energy purchase is one part of our larger commitment to the environment and the transition to a low-carbon economy. Since 2010, we’ve implemented more than 65,000 energy efficiency projects resulting in annualized savings of $427 million.*** By the end of 2016, we reduced fleet emissions by 99,000 metric tons of CO2e and reduced the size of our domestic fleet by 1,800 vehicles.****
In addition, AT&T recognizes that climate change is a problem, and we are committed to going beyond our own operations to be part of the solution. We’re collaborating closely with customers and technology leaders to deliver innovative solutions that can enable carbon reductions. These物联网永远解决方案可以通过连接从卡车到农用设备,城市基础设施等所有物品来帮助减少排放。
阅读有关AT&T的更多信息对环境的承诺,,,,10X Carbon Reduction goal,以及其他企业社会责任和可持续性计划金博宝怎么注册金博宝手机版网页csr。
** EPA温室气体当量计算器:
*** AT&T。金博宝手机版网页CSR网站。常见问题解答 - 能源管理(2017)。金博宝手机版网页csr/home/frequally-requested-info/environment.html
**** AT&T金博宝怎么注册可持续性报告。朝着2020/2025目标的进步。(2017)。金博宝手机版网页csr/金博宝怎么注册sustainability-reporting/pdf/2017/att-goals.pdf