2月23日,华盛顿:2012 / 3提单媒体美国退伍军人从归来在伊拉克服役,阿富汗和其他全球前哨不仅需要找到工作在他们返回,需要私人企业,联邦机构和非营利组织作为他们的努力准备好伙伴,Avue技术公司联合首席执行官琳达布鲁克斯里克斯告诉拥挤的会议大厅。
“这些退伍军人所做的高价值和匹配的雇主正在寻找人才,”里克斯星期三说,美国退伍军人协会的第一个国家的与会者的认证峰会,美国商会(U.S. Chamber of Commerce)举行。“让我们使他们回家软着陆,尤其是那些训练,实践和专业知识一直在军队,和那些已经很难将他们的军事经验转化为民用环境。”The unemployment rate of the 1.98 million military personnel who have served since Sept. 11, 2001 is 12.1 percent, which is more than three percentage points higher than the national average. As reported in The Los Angeles Times, the unemployment rate for younger veterans, those between the ages of 18 and 34, is an astounding 16.6 percent. But the fight for quality jobs for veterans is not a new one for Avue Technologies and the American Legion. Their partnership began eight years ago and paved the way for the 2005 creation of the first software platform that provided career matching for transitioning military to commercial and civilian jobs: Avue's Military Occupational Skills (MOS) Translator. One of the difficulties service members face when transitioning into civilian employment is how to translate their military experience into related, non-military skills. Many pointed to this "language" barrier as one of the reasons veteran unemployment is so high. Avue's MOS Translator makes that prospect easier by automatically converting the veterans' occupation code into related and marketable civilian skills. An integral part of Avue's free and comprehensive Federal employment site, AvueCentral.com, and also found onwww.warfighterhome.usMOS翻译依赖于一个完整的,广泛的数据库超过4600年历史的和当前的MOS代码提供相当于联邦职业执照的完整列表、认证和培训。“MOS变化,”里克斯说,“所以你需要有历史等价以及电流。一些机构使用相同的代码即使在金属氧化物半导体的发展。有历史记录允许申请人将在多个资深MOS的经历。”Avue's MOS Translator allows the job seeker to be positioned ideally in the marketplace and be their own advocate of their skills within the job search. Avue Central also provides the premier online community and forums for job seekers, who can interact with other applicants as well as industry experts and Federal recruiters. And Avue's live Chat and Help Desk are positioned to assist with translation needs for job seekers. In addition, jobs posted through Avue enjoy a broad reach to job seekers and applicants by the company's push of job listings to more than 1,600 .edu and .org sites, as well as popular social network platforms Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. There's never been a more important time nationally for this initiative, Rix said, and Avue's partnership with the American Legion has been crucial in this effort for nearly a decade. "The American Legion had the foresight to back MOS translation early in the game, and Avue and the American Legion have the same goal: to get veterans jobs in the very near future," Rix said. About Avue Technologies Founded in 1983, Avue Technologies has pioneered the idea of smart technology for better management. The company provides the public sector with integrated technology and service solutions that dramatically increase enterprise-wide visibility and management effectiveness, workforce productivity, and manager and worker satisfaction. In the fight against "business-as-usual" in Washington, Avue helps power "business-as-unusual." Avue is a privately held company headquartered in Tacoma, Wash., and with offices in Washington, D.C. For additional information, contact Avue at (253) 573-1877 x203, or via email atiAvue@avuetech.com。了解更多关于Avue技术www.avuetech.com。联系Avue:琳达里克斯(235)573 - 1877 x - 203电子邮件:iAvue@avuetech.com版权2012美通社。保留所有权利。