Bacardi Shake Your Future Is Back and Bigger Than Ever in Italy
Bacardi Shake Your Future Is Back and Bigger Than Ever in Italy
- The family-owned spirits company’s initiative offers unemployed young adults a life-changing opportunity to train as a professional bartender
- 随着熟练的调酒师的需求比以往任何时候都要多,今年意大利的百加迪欢迎其迄今为止最大的队列,并扩展到那不勒斯
- 更多的than 90% of Bacardi’s Shake Your Future graduates in Italy are now working in hospitality
汉密尔顿,百慕大,2022年10月20日 / 3bl Media / - Bacardi的家族烈酒公司Shake Your Futurethis week, as it offers 50 unemployed young adults in Italy a life-changing opportunity to train as a professional bartender.
现在,在第三年,意大利百加得计划的毕业生中有90%以上正在享受款待的成功职业。随着酒保培训计划再次在米兰,都灵和罗马开始Shake Your Future也是第一次在那不勒斯发射。
“我们为我们已经取得的一切都感到骄傲Shake Your Future在意大利。我们承诺要认真对待正确的事情,所以现在我们走得更远,扩大了我们的计划,以帮助改变年轻人的生活比以往任何时候都多。
参加10周的参与者Shake Your Future计划接受了调酒和鸡尾酒制作艺术的培训,并在一些行业领先的酒吧和餐馆中获得了宝贵的工作经验。毕业生获得了国际认可的文凭,并在该行业内获得了永久就业机会,使他们有能力改变自己的生活并建立更美好的未来。
Stephane adds: “We couldn’t do it without the support of our partners in the bar industry who offer valuable work experience for our students, and we love to give back by introducing talented new bartenders for the future. This is a truly win-win program, and as a family-owned company, it is one that is very close to our hearts. Launching our students onto successful career paths and opening the doors to a brand new world of mixology is incredibly rewarding.”
Shake Your Future每年都会在其推出的每个城市中运行,其中众多的酒吧和餐厅合作伙伴承诺支持他们的支持,并给学员提供改变生活所需的最重要经验。
一个这样的支持者是朱利亚纳·吉安卡诺(Giuliana Giancano)Shake Your Futurestudents work experience placements last year. She said: “It’s fantastic to participate in an initiative that gives a concrete opportunity to those who need a helping hand and a first step on the ladder to becoming professional bartenders. Mixology in Italy is seeing a lot of interest, and it's wonderful to see theShake Your Future学生分享这种兴趣和热情。如果有兴趣,有增长,如果有增长,就会有兴趣。”
今年计划的另一个新成员是与那不勒斯L'Antiquario Cocktail Bar的创始人Alex Frezza进行了激动人心的合作,这是世界上50个最佳酒吧之一。作为意大利鸡尾酒界的成功,著名的人物,亚历克斯将成为一名鼓舞人心的导师Shake Your Future2022年的班级主持大师班,并在学生踏上激动人心的职业旅程时与学生建立一对一的联系。
在过去的六个月中,百加得扩大了Shake Your Future在南非和印度成功推出的全球计划。随着未来几个月计划的更多发布,该公司将自己设定为大胆的目标,将10,000个新的调酒师介绍到2030年。
百加迪投资好充满活力ESGinitiatives that set goals for a brighter future for all, focusing on doing the right thing by its consumers, employees, business partners, the communities where it operates, and the environment. Find out more。
Bacardi Limited, the largest privately held spirits company in the world, produces and markets internationally recognized spirits and wines. The Bacardi Limited brand portfolio comprises more than 200 brands and labels, including BACARDÍ® rum, GREY GOOSE® vodka, PATRÓN® tequila, DEWAR’S® Blended Scotch whisky, BOMBAY SAPPHIRE® gin, MARTINI® vermouth and sparkling wines, CAZADORES® 100% blue agave tequila, and other leading and emerging brands including WILLIAM LAWSON’S® Scotch whisky, ST-GERMAIN® elderflower liqueur, and ERISTOFF® vodka. Founded more than 160 years ago in Santiago de Cuba, family-owned Bacardi Limited currently employs more than 8,000 people, operates production facilities in 10 countries, and sells its brands in more than 170 countries. Bacardi Limited refers to the Bacardi group of companies, including Bacardi International Limited. Visit or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram.
Media enquiries:
Phillippa Williams, Communications Manager, Western Europe, Australia & New Zealand, Bacardi,
西欧,澳大利亚和新西兰的传播总监安德鲁·卡尼(Andrew Carney),巴卡迪(Bacardi)