


压倒性的比例——97%的美国人相信这是至少有点重要的贡献更大的利益,根据第二次舵柄社会行动的结果调查,发布的舵柄,LLC主要宣传营销咨询公司。但媒体不是普遍视为鼓励善行。百分之八十五的受访者比较强烈(46%和39%)同意,媒体不足够关注人的善行。实际上,谷歌新闻搜索显示接近10倍以上提到的老虎伍兹(79489)在过去30天比志愿者(6974),慈善捐赠(1020),和良好的工作(525次)的总和。“我们是无法交流,”罗布·邓森舵柄的首席执行官说。“我们称之为‘新老虎伍兹的效果。“24小时关注那些从高处坠落,但不足以那些会抬起下降。没有什么错与不错,时不时的色情故事,但更关注善事不能伤害。这都是引人注目的一种更健康、更合理的平衡。“2009舵柄社会行动的调查是为了更好地理解美国人的态度和行为相对于公民和慈善活动。 It was conducted via the Internet between November 27 and December 2, 2009 by the national polling firm of Mathew Greenwald & Associates. All respondents were at least 21 years of age. The margin of error for the 1,000 interviews is +/-3.1%. The original poll was conducted in October, 2006. Here’s a Good Story: In Terms of Helping Others, Americans Undeterred Fortunately, neither the media’s lack of attention nor a struggling economy have taken a toll on Americans’ inclination to do good works. The survey found that four out of five Americans who give to charity say they will donate as much if not more this year than in 2008, 59% of us perform a “random act of kindness” at least weekly, and 95% of Americans believe it’s critical to teach children the importance of giving back. “It’s been a challenging year for many Americans. Unemployment hit a 25-year high and the markets hit a 12-year low, but our desire to help others has never wavered,” Densen said. “Our pockets may not be quite as deep as they were last year, but we’re reaching in nonetheless.”评论调查,布莱恩·帕尔曼合伙人和高级Greenwald & Associates说:“根据舵柄研究,29%的美国人比去年将捐赠更多;最近的数据显示,这是计划的三倍花更多的节日礼物。每个人都专注于假日销售;也许假期捐赠更能说明问题的数字。”政治家+公共服务=矛盾媒体并不是唯一获得低分的人鼓励善行,作为政治家的调查证明根深蒂固的不信任相对于公共服务。仅有16%的受访者比较强烈(5%和11%)认为“政客们树立一个好的榜样对我们谈到公共服务。”当被问及他的意图最怀疑相对于善行,59%的被调查者认为政客,紧随其后的是商业领袖(9%)、名人/艺人(9%),宗教领袖(8%)。“这是非常讽刺的是,政客们——他们,至少在名义上,公务员,应该被怀疑地,“丹麦王子说。“我们的调查一直指着深刻的公众对政客和他们的动机的怀疑。政治家作为公务员的概念是近乎自相矛盾。一般来说,政治家们视为吝于支持我们倾向善行。”当被问及政客们应该做什么来鼓励更多的人造成更大的利益,”用他们的行动来树立一个好榜样”之首选,75%的受访者。公众怀疑延伸到奥巴马的努力鼓励志愿四分之三的美国人说他们知道奥巴马总统的呼吁更大的志愿服务,但至少65%认为这是出于政治动机。百分之二十七的美国人说奥巴马的行动呼吁让他们更容易志愿者,14%的人说他们增加了奥巴马总统的选举以来的志愿者活动。 Among those who said they were more inclined to volunteer, 67% cited President Obama’s enthusiasm around the issue as a source of inspiration, 41% cited his history of community involvement, 37% cited a desire to answer a national call to action and 36% cited Michelle Obama’s active involvement in issues like kids and healthy eating. Perhaps not surprisingly, the reaction to Obama’s call to action had a powerful break along party lines. Among Americans who were aware of Obama’s call for volunteerism, 47% of those who identified themselves as Democrats said Obama’s call to action made them more likely to volunteer but only 3% percent of Republicans and 16% of Independents said so. Similarly, less than half (47%) of Democrats thought Obama’s call was at least somewhat politically motivated while 89% of Republicans and 73% of Independents thought so. At the same time, Americans strongly believe that political discourse has obscured the common good and that politicians should be doing a much better job – individually and together – of encouraging and facilitating good works. Seventy-nine percent of Americans – compared to 82% in the 2006 survey – believe the tone of the political discussion makes it hard to know what’s best for the country and 78% agreed that “the political climate would improve if Americans spent more time helping others.” “In terms of advancing the nation’s interests, the path hasn’t grown any clearer over the last three years,” said Tiller principal James Marren. “That reflects, in large part, the acrimony and extreme partisanship of today’s political discourse. The Republicans were in charge in 2006 and the Democrats are today. We’ve changed administrations, but the tone and tenor of the political debate remains the same – rancorous. As our survey shows, today’s fiercely partisan political discussion is seriously undercutting our sense of common purpose and shared humanity.” * * * * Tiller, LLC is one of the nation’s leading consultancies in the creation and implementation of advocacy marketing programs for major U.S. corporations. For more information on the 2009 Tiller Social Action Survey, a checklist of 12 random acts of kindness, and contact information for volunteer opportunities, please go to the Tiller website:www.tillerllc.com。有一些新鲜的,随机的善举的创意吗?请寄给actsofkindness@tillerllc.com。我们将在我们的网站上发布我们的最爱。马修Greenwald & Associates是一个总理全方位服务市场研究公司总部设在华盛顿特区TILLER3624