Green Mountain Energy Sun Club teams up with Essex Heritage for new solar and battery storage system to power 200-year-old lighthouse
SALEM, Mass., August 25, 2020 /3BL Media/ – Solar panels are becoming an increasingly popular choice for nonprofit organizations looking to reduce their carbon footprint. On Monday,埃塞克斯遗产在虚拟事件中,将开关在新的太阳能电池阵列上翻转面包师岛灯站。该系统旨在以100%可再生能源运行其设施。Green Mountain Energy Sun Clubdonated $45,000 to install an off-grid solar system on the island. The system features a combination of an 1,830-watt solar array —to generate the electricity— and batteries —to store the electricity — and will provide power to the two keepers’ houses year-round.
埃塞克斯式遗产首席执行官安妮·C·哈里斯(Annie C.“借助Sun Club的支持,我们现在拥有更高效的太阳能电源系统和一个新的电池组,使我们能够拥有110伏的灯,更好的电器和电动工具进行维护。我们的志愿人员将不再需要每三天旅行一次才能使易腐物变得易腐烂,现在我们可以在晚上舒适地照亮该物业。许多最近的访客甚至没有意识到我们已经脱离电网 - 尽管我们总是喜欢提醒他们并展示新的太阳能电池板系统。”
Bakers Island Light Station是从Sun Club获得可持续性赠款的120个项目之一金博宝怎么注册Green Mountain Energy,美国服务时间最长的可再生能源零售商。Sun Club成立于2002年,通过非营利性合作伙伴关系授予了1000万美元的可持续性赠款,用于促进可再生能源,金博宝怎么注册能源效率,资源保护,教育,清洁运输和可持续农业的项目。Sun Club由Green Mountain Energy,其客户和员工资助。
Green Mountain Energy的副总裁兼总经理Mark Parsons说:“尽管许多非营利组织致力于绿色能源,而太阳能是实现这些目标的一种方式,但他们通常缺乏安装太阳能电池板系统的资金。”“我们很荣幸能与埃塞克斯(Essex)的遗产合作,以支持他们维护和增强面包师岛轻型站的任务。由于一种独一无二的模式将社区参与与绿色山区员工和客户联系起来,因此可以将Sun Club赠款赠款,从而使每个人都成为一个社区的一部分,该社区以可188bet网址怎么打不开再生能源为该计划的灯塔支持可持续性解决方案。金博宝怎么注册透明
对于社区的健康和安全,埃塞克斯郡的遗产在2020年继续提供对面包师188bet网址怎么打不开岛轻型站的有限访问权限。过夜节目,最多六人的团体可以租用助理守门员的房子或一夜之间。尽管减少了志愿者机会,但社区成员仍然可以注册188bet网址怎么打不开volunteer on Wednesdays。对于今年无法访问的家庭,有在线资源,例如Bakers Bulletin, where they can capture a glimpse into the life of a modern-day lighthouse keeper, and other activities, including在线拼图游戏and short videos totravel virtually到世界各地的灯塔。
有关埃塞克斯遗产(Essex Heritage)在波士顿以北仅10英里的埃塞克斯国家遗产地区促进经验的努力的更多信息,并覆盖了马萨诸塞州东部500平方英里到达新罕布什尔州边境https://essexheritage.org/。
View a video of the unveiling here:https://essexheritage.org/flip-switch-bakers-island-light-station
About Essex Heritage and the Essex National Heritage Area
埃塞克斯遗产is the non-profit organization that manages the Essex National Heritage Area by developing programs that enhance, preserve and encourage recreation, education, conservation and interpretation projects on Boston's North Shore and the Lower Merrimack River Valley. The Essex National Heritage Area is comprised of the 34 cities and towns of Essex County, MA. For more information, visitwww.EssexHeritage.org或致电(978)740-0444。
The Green Mountain Energy Sun Club is a nonprofit organization committed to advancing sustainable communities. As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Sun Club® invests in nonprofits and focuses on projects related to renewable energy, energy efficiency, resource conservation and environmental stewardship. Since the program’s founding in 2002, the Sun Club has donated $10 million to more than 122 projects from nonprofit organizations across Texas and the Northeast. To learn more about the Sun Club or to apply for a Sun Club grant, visitgmesunclub.org。
Cheri Grishin
戴安娜·马多克(Diana Maddock)
Green Mountain Energy Sun Club
C:713-703-4989/ o:713-537-5025