Better Planet: Going Beyond Net Zero by 2035

Nov 24, 2021 9:00 AM ET

As featured in Kohler's 2020 Believing in Better Metrics Report

For more than a decade, we’ve been committed to a goal of net zero greenhouse gas across operations and zero waste to landfill by 2035. Since 2016 we’re deepening that commitment through our Design for Environment (DfE) program by carefully considering the full life cycle impacts of our products and processes. In 2020, we completed over 4 times more DfE projects than in 2019 and saw more DfE projects completed in 2020 alone than in all previous years combined since DfE work began in 2016.

We are focusing on designing efficiencies across all four stages of the life cycle: Suppliers, Kohler Operations, Consumer Use, and End of Use. Our goal is to design a product or process that is more environmentally favorable, using outcome-based standards recognized by the scientific community:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas
  • Steward healthy watersheds
  • Reduce waste by using resources more efficiently
  • Invest in safer materials

Drawing on the passionate energy of associates, Design for Environment thinking will help us surpass our 2035 goals. It is our pledge to rethink the way we approach design. It is our path to a better planet. By joining together to reduce our environmental impact across the full life cycle of our products, processes, and experiences, we can help design a path forward for future generations and make it easy for our consumers to make environmentally friendly choices.


Our manufacturing processes inherently require energy, which translates to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We measure carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide emissions using the GHG Protocol and consider the following:

  • Scope 1- fuel that we consume in manufacturing
  • Scope 2- 我们的能源提供商使用的燃料来生产我们消耗的能量

Innovation in Water Efficiency

  • Committed to Conservation: The 50L Home- Today, 14 of 20 of the world’s largest cities experience water scarcity, and two-thirds of the global population is projected to live in water-stressed areas by 2025. As part of our commitment to water conservation, we cofounded the 50L Home, a coalition of global companies and NGOs reimagining people’s relationship with water. The goal of this coalition is to drive innovation in residential water use to reduce water consumption to 50L/person/day. Our vision is to develop 50L Home solutions without compromising an amazing consumer experience. Using learnings from pilot homes in various locations, the 50L Home seeks to advance solutions that address water and energy effi ciency and inform a path to global scale. For more information, please
  • 2020 WaterSense® Award Winner- 2020年,科勒(Kohler)获得了我们第六次Watersense持续卓越奖的骄傲获得者。WaterSense计划由美国环境保护局创建,促进了Watereffi Cient产品,房屋和流程的开发和使用。2008年,我们获得了FI RST WaterSense制造合作伙伴奖的荣誉,在11年中,我们一直荣幸地从年度制造合作伙伴转变为持续的卓越合作伙伴奖。在这段时间里,我们的Kohler Watersense标记的厕所,淋浴喷头和水龙头一直是推动知名度和帮助我们的客户和合作伙伴减少用水量的催化剂。

Read more in Kohler's 2020 Believing in Better Metrics Report