
2019年8月1日,美国东部时间1:00 pm
2019年8月1日 / 3BL媒体 /饮料行业环境圆桌会议(BIER)对饮料行业温室气体(GHG)排放行业指导(4.0)进行了进一步的增强和增加。该增强文件代表4.1版的4.1版。Guidance and continues BIER’s ambition of providing supplementary guidance specific to beverage companies for greater consistency, accuracy, and leadership with GHG accounting and management. For the beverage industry, as for all industries, the ability to make informed decisions on GHG reduction efforts and climate change mitigation is dependent upon an accurate inventory of all relevant GHG emissions associated with a company, its value chain, and the life cycles of its products. The BIER Sector Guide is intended to provide supplementary guidance to primary global GHG protocols, with the objective of creating beverage sector consensus and consistency on inventory scoping, calculation steps, and data use. BIER identified that this was an important time to update the previous version of the sector guidance as members further addressed complex aspects of GHG accounting and reached consensus approaches.什么是新的?进行了关键更新至:•附录E(如何报告购买的二氧化碳),•附录G(烈酒生产中排放的计算示例),•附录H(计算包装材料排放的指南)和•附录J(指南J(指南指南)冷却排放的计算)。这些更新提供了其他指导和计算示例,以及各个部分中的文本修订,以澄清指导并进一步与最新版本的领先协议和饮料类别规则相吻合。“ Bier成员渴望将其保留为一个活生生,不断发展的部门指南,这证明了这些公司的领导,我们意识到追求环境可持续性是一段旅程。金博宝怎么注册自满不是一种选择。”比尔执行董事尼克·马丁(Nick Martin)说。完整的指导文档可下载:


Bier会员聚光灯:Shourya Rane

Bier会员聚光灯:Ryan Spicer



酷比尔会议 - 未来的可持续冷却器

Bier会员聚光灯:Erich Yaeger

Bier会员聚光灯:Magaly Feliciano Lozada

Bier会员聚光灯:Paul Bruijn