
By Jim Madej
Jul 14, 2015 3:15 PM ET
Campaign: 能源效率

In the past few months, Tesla has announced to great acclaim the sale of a new home battery as well as a microgrid in a box. At the same time, the cost of photovoltaics – the guts of solar panels – has dropped precipitously and is trending in that direction well into the future. In other words, what is driving energy headlines is the hardware that will drive our nascent energy revolution.


信息和分析对于实现我们共同的经济和环境目标至关重要,尤其是考虑到气候变化的紧迫性。将美国能量带入21英石century is imperative – and an incredible opportunity.

How big is the opportunity? Consider this – the U.S. is dead last among developed nations when it comes to energy productivity. Shockingly, the U.S. wastes more energy than it uses. A whopping 57 percent of the energy flowing into our economy is simply wasted as heat, noise, or leaks. Even China, a so-called developing nation, ranks ahead of the U.S. Analyzing and understanding where, why, and how this waste occurs and finding ways to fix the problem is – you guessed it – a job for big data.

为了鼓励实现有意义的经济和环境进步所需的数据驱动的见解和行为的类型,国家能源效率政策的委员会是通过联盟形成的,以节省能源 - 呼吁到2030年将美国的能源生产力和效率翻倍。

当然,这样做的成本将是巨大的,但是投资回报率将是巨大的。根据公用事业分析学院的说法[1]该行业有望在未来12个月内投资超过20亿美元的数据基础设施。那就是此外to the more than $2.5the International Energy Agency estimates the industry needs to invest by 2035, most of it to replace aging equipment.[2]

Achieving this 2030 goal would add 1.3 million jobs to our economy, boost GDP by 2 percent, and reduce carbon emissions, as well as oil and gas imports, by more than 30 percent. All in, that would free up more than $130 billion in savings that could be dedicated to other societal needs.



Second, we must invest in the capabilities needed so every customer – whether they‘re large or small, residential or commercial – understands how they can support energy savings and provide an environmental upside.


最后,能源公司应承担越来越多的责任来节省能源和应对气候变化。为了支持必要的投资,需要一个创新的监管框架 - 奖励公司提供经济和环境福利,并因其失败而惩罚他们。

Measures such as the活力Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2015由美国参议员罗布·波特曼(R-Oh。)和珍妮·沙希恩(Jeanne Shaheen)(D-N.H.)赞助,并于4月通过,由奥巴马总统签署,将有助于这项工作。


At National Grid, here are a few ways we’re bringing the advantages of big data to work for our customers and communities:

  • 我们最近在马萨诸塞州针对15,000个客户启动的“智能电网”试点计划将采用与电网连接的基于网络的恒温器和仪表,从而为客户提供有关能源使用的实时数据,以及价格信号,以鼓励保护。
  • 我们参与美国能源部的绿色按钮计划,以一种新的,全国标准化的格式为客户提供能源消耗数据。客户可以访问数据,显示他们如何以及何时使用电力,将其与该地区其他人的使用进行比较,并更好地了解他们如何减少消费。
  • Our Home Energy Reports partnership with Opower, a cloud-based software company, has helped National Grid’s 3.5 million customers save enough electricity to power a city of 200,000 for a year.

These measures, of course, are just the beginning. We’ve demonstrated in the last decade that our energy efficiency programs – smart, effective policy – work with time, focus, and of course, large doses of information. We now need to capture the full potential of information to help deliver our energy future sooner rather than later.

James Madej是美国国家电网的高级副总裁兼首席客户官。

[1]Source: “Utility Grid Barons Warm to Big Data’s Power,” by Jonathan Berr, special to CNBC.com, July 14, 2014:http://www.cnbc.com/id/101823030
