Biogen and MIT启动针对高中生的新虚拟学习实验室,历史上人数不足

Biogen and MIT启动针对高中生的新虚拟学习实验室,历史上人数不足


  • 在线学习计划结合了实验室模拟和指导经验,重点是生物技术和神经系统疾病,例如帕金森氏病,阿尔茨海默氏病和多发性硬化症
  • 来自马萨诸塞州和北卡​​罗来纳州的四百名学生正在参加此无费用计划,该计划还为学生提供了计算机和其他技术资源
  • 该计划建立在Biogen的社区实验室,该实验室已经招募了55,000多名188bet网址怎么打不开学生,而Lemelson-MIT计划激发了下一代创意和创造性的问题解决者


马萨诸塞州剑桥,2020年5月28日,3BL媒体 / -Biogen Inc.(NASDAQ:BIIB)将其良好认可的社区实验室科学学习计划与马萨诸塞州技术学院的Lemel188bet网址怎么打不开son-Mit计划(LMIT)一起启动新的在线网络Biogen-MIT生物技术行动:虚拟夏季实验室。这个虚拟实验室将为400名马萨诸塞州和北卡​​罗来纳州高中学生提供生物技术的第一手经验,并为Biogen and Mit的主要科学家提供直接学习和指导的机会。大多数学生来自科学,技术,工程和数学(STEM)的低收入家庭和群体。


“Lemelson-MIT research has validated our beliefs about the importance of teaching STEM through hands-on real-world projects and opportunities to engage with STEM professionals and other adults,” said Michael Cima, Lemelson-MIT Program’s Faculty Director and Associate Dean of Innovation for MIT School of Engineering. “We also know that hands-on doesn’t have to mean in-person, and mentoring can happen effectively using web-based collaboration tools. We are excited to join forces with Biogen and their unique expertise combined with ours to help another generation of students discover their passion for invention in biotechnology and neuroscience.”

高中生9至12年级的夏季课程是免费的,偏爱马萨诸塞州和北卡​​罗来纳州的代表性不足的学生。还从几个Biogen Foundation Grant接受者计划中招募了学生,包括《星际计划》,该计划于2018年启动了一项计划,以帮助促进剑桥和马萨诸塞州萨默维尔的本地STEM生态系统的发展。

除了Biogen-MIT生物技术行动:虚拟夏季实验室,Biogen与许多领先的机构合作,通过一个名为The The的在线枢纽为学生带来科学内容和参与体验虚拟社区实验室188bet网址怎么打不开。在这里,学生,父母和老师可以访问和体验免费的在线资源,包括可以在家中完成的科学实验教程视频,以及其他教育材料。无论位置如何,任何人都可以探索STEM主题并参与这些活动。



有关有关的更多信息Biogen-MIT生物技术行动:虚拟夏季实验室, 访问我们的网站网址怎么打不开communitylab

在Biogen,我们的任务很明确:我们是神经科学领域的先驱。Biogen发现,开发并提供全世界的创新疗法,为患有严重神经和神经退行性疾病的人以及相关的治疗邻接。Biogen是世界上第一批全球生物技术公司之一,由查尔斯·魏斯曼(Charles Weissmann),亨茨·舍勒(Heinz Schaller),肯尼斯·默里(Kenneth Murray)和诺贝尔奖获得者沃尔特·吉尔伯特(Walter Gilbert)和菲利普·夏普(Phillip Sharp)于1978年成立。Today Biogen has the leading portfolio of medicines to treat multiple sclerosis, has introduced the first approved treatment for spinal muscular atrophy, commercializes biosimilars of advanced biologics and is focused on advancing research programs in multiple sclerosis and neuroimmunology, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, neuromuscular disorders, movement disorders, ophthalmology, immunology, neurocognitive disorders, acute neurology and pain.

我们通常发布信息,这对我们网站上的投资者可能很重要。要了解更多信息,请访问www.biogen.com并在社交媒体上关注我们 -推特,,,,LinkedIn,,,,Facebook,YouTube。

Biogen社区实验室188bet网址怎么打不开计划是公司对科学教育承诺的签名示例。实验室的任务是激发更多的年轻人对科学的兴趣,并激发下一代STEM领导者。With locations at Biogen’s world headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts and in Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina, the Community Lab is a state-of-the-art laboratory classroom where local middle and high school students engage in hands-on biotechnology experiments and interact with scientists and other biotech professionals. It offers free daylong, interactive science activities, rigorous summer programs and teacher professional development. The Cambridge facility started in 2002 and is the longest-running, hands-on corporate science lab in the nation. The Community Lab in North Carolina opened in 2014. Collectively, the Labs have served more than 55,000 students to date.


Lemelson-Mit计划庆祝杰出的发明家,并激发了年轻人通过发明来追求创意生活和职业。Jerome H. Lemelson, one of U.S. history’s most prolific inventors, and his wife Dorothy founded the Lemelson-MIT Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1994. It is funded by The Lemelson Foundation and administered by the School of Engineering at MIT, an institution with a strong ongoing commitment to creating meaningful opportunities for K-12 STEM education. For more information,



大卫·凯乌特(David Caouette)
乔·玛拉(Joe Mara)
类别: 教育