Biogen从Fast Company的World World Complant Ideas Awards中获得荣誉奖


5月4日,2021 / 3BL媒体 / - 生物基因荣誉提名在企业社会责任类别中,Fast Company的2021年世界改变了想法。

生物技术公司的“改变世界”的想法是健康的气候,健康的生活,一项为期20年,2.5亿美元的承诺,到2040年到2040年在其运营中不再使用化石燃料 - 采用旨在提高气候,健康和公平的方法。Through this program, Biogen is actively eliminating its combustion of fossil fuels, investing in green chemistry, aligning with suppliers around climate targets, helping employees go fossil-fuel free, and collaborating with global leaders to influence climate policy and improve health outcomes for the world’s most vulnerable.


在Biogen,我们的任务很明确:我们是神经科学领域的先驱。Biogen发现,开发并提供全世界的创新疗法,为患有严重神经和神经退行性疾病的人以及相关的治疗邻接。Biogen是世界上第一批全球生物技术公司之一,由查尔斯·魏斯曼(Charles Weissmann),亨茨·舍勒(Heinz Schaller),肯尼斯·默里(Kenneth Murray)和诺贝尔奖获得者沃尔特·吉尔伯特(Walter Gilbert)和菲利普·夏普(Phillip Sharp)于1978年成立。Today Biogen has the leading portfolio of medicines to treat multiple sclerosis, has introduced the first approved treatment for spinal muscular atrophy, commercializes biosimilars of advanced biologics and is focused on advancing research programs in multiple sclerosis and neuroimmunology, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, neuromuscular disorders, movement disorders, ophthalmology, immunology, neurocognitive disorders, acute neurology and pain.

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